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IF SOMEONE CAN help reach my goal, every big donation and even smaller ones will get work from me. I am a bit backlogged, but if you send $50 or more, and i will unload sketches on you like the flood gates have open during a hurricane.

You donation can be anonymous, or with a purpose... either-way, i am willing to give anything to get the lights back on and keep a roof over my head!

15 page comic commission $250 or more donation WILL get a project started and it can be up to 20 page comic

+Otakusquid for a year

25 page comic commission

$500 or more donation WILL get a project started and it can be up to 20 page comic

+Otakusquid for life

50 page comic commission

$1000 or more and you WILL get a project started of a 50 page comic

+Otakusquid for life

100 page comic commission

$2000 or more and you WILL get a project started of a 50 page comic

+Otakusquid for life

(just note me or email for more details.)

I can also work a deal where i pay you back if you are able to loan $1000 or more, and also get artwork. Just note me.

Goal is $650 for bills

$2000 overall!!!


See More by powerman2000

Emergency UPDATE! 20 pg comic for $500
2 days agoI  have been making these journals for teh past few months, and i know  they hard to look at and heartbreaking for some of you. But its the  truth. I have to know when i am whiped and need help. I have been left  broken and a shell of a person. But i know i must be able to be strong  for my son, and my family. They look up to me, and dont want jme  degfeated.  So my utilites and net has been cut off, and today my phone.  I am far behind everything.  I really need any help anyone can give. I  am willing to start projects, but honestly i just need a a helping hand.  If any of you can provide any assitance, ill make some deal or payback  setup.  Thanks. Trying to get back on top to provide yall with some cool  exciting art. PowermanX UPDATE: I have gotten some patrons on my  patreon, so that has incentivized me to post more there. You guys will  be getting updates as soon as i get some off time from my grueling hours  at work. But i still need some bigger donations to help out.  IF  SOMEONE CAN

3 days agoI  have been making these journals for teh past few months, and i know  they hard to look at and heartbreaking for some of you. But its the  truth. I have to know when i am whiped and need help. I have been left  broken and a shell of a person. But i know i must be able to be strong  for my son, and my family. They look up to me, and dont want jme  degfeated.  So my utilites and net has been cut off, and today my phone.  I am far behind everything.  I really need any help anyone can give. I  am willing to start projects, but honestly i just need a a helping hand.  If any of you can provide any assitance, ill make some deal or payback  setup.  Thanks. Trying to get back on top to provide yall with some cool  exciting art. PowermanX :star:  Goal is $650 for bills  $2000  overall!!!          :star: DONATION HERE!     

Art lessonsg, otakuking status for $100 to help!
Jan 25, 2022I  am giving art lessons online, and also providing art/webs design help  to anyone that can help me. As i have been saying in the past journals, i  need help. Serious help! Things have gotten out of hand in my life, and  im trying to get a grip on this situation.  I do regular work, but i  also know that i need to close this huge hole in my life. I am offering a  few other things, but i really just need your help! God... i need help!      :star: :star: Goal is $1300            DONATION HERE!     THANKS to  VJAK for helping pay  INTERNET bill! (It doesnt need to be a huge  donation, or the total amount. Dont be intimidated by the whole amount.  Just donate what you can. Anything will help!  Needed ...yesterday, but  today will be sooo welcomed!) INCENTIVES FOR HIGH DONATIONS BELOW     $100 DONATION  ART LESSONS: After you pay the donation i will put you on  a mailing list, and give you further instructions after. I will give  one lesson every week, and it will cover figure drawing and such.

Net and power getting cut off soon. Need help!
Jan 21, 2022So  my internet is about to be cut off in an hour... so my communication  will be limited. Power will be cut off later. I am at the end of my  rope. All right before i am supposed to see my son this weekend. Wow... i  just feel like...  I just have no words The only reasons i ask for any  of your help was to keep the lights on, and keep doing the work i  already owe; which CANT be done if there is no internet and power. I get  that the journals suck to see, but its necessary.  I remember first  announcing i was go on patreon, and i heard complaints about "paywalls"  and such, and it really effected me. But i wish i could go back to my  past self and warn me. Life takes money. I kept doing free things to  please a focal minority. If you guys see any messages, or hear anything,  please... please take it with a grain of salt. People usually give you  one side without showing you how difficult they have been. My own freind  of over 25 years was turned against me. I have no family. I have some

© 2022 powerman2000


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