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So its been a while. 

I didn't forget about you guys. I just want to tell you all, thank you from the bottom of my heart!  

Every single dime counts, as it goes towards my efforts of self publishing my art, and providing a life for my family as a humble artist. As i try and figure out my place as a professional artist for hire, and the many... many challenges along the way; including people de-legitimatizing what i do. They come to smash how we enjoy our art, like they have a right to critique what we enjoy in our personal lives. But every time i post something, and get thousands of views, or even someone just plunkin down $5 a month for me to keep a going, i get a little more optimistic!

I literally had a freind tell me his wife "couldn't understand how he hung around someone who draws what i do" and no more contact from him. Well... i put food on my families table with this art DAMMIT!  

And its not harming anyone. So we carry on. 

So to for my patreon supporters, I  have slightly changed the tiers. Here's the rundown

Tier $1 Is just about early access, and my gratitude. 

Tier $3 Has been changed completely. You will now get to vote on Ecchi Pinups that will eventually be published on deviantart, but patreon first.

Teir $5 Has been changed, in that you also get HENATI pinup FANVOTE in addition to ECCHI & its only posted on patreon/otakusquid, but totally developed and crafted only on PATREON.


Here is the big change though...

I will focus less on smaller art for each $5 patron. And more on bigger, more refined pieces, but still powerman fun!  That way, everyone contributes towards better art, and i dont feel so pressured to create lots of work. I can do my RL delivery jobs, and also continue to provide art, and hopefully spoort myself completely as a professional (like i once did) I understand i let the ball slip, and i wont let that happen anymore. 

So to recap...

You will leave your suggestions in the comments section of that  months themed FANVOTE. Vote on your fav characters, fav moderator (such  as BE, Megadonk, hypno eyes, fmg ect) & watch, & participate, as  the high quality pinup art unfolds throughout the month, only on my patreon. HENTAI $5 Votes (NSFW) only posted on patreon/otakusquid.




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