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So i have been working on new features for you guys; my patreon backers. Specifically $5 patrons and up. You guys are my back bone. I will reward you with consistent ECCHI level otakusquid pinups/content & also give you guys constant updates via my discord. 

LINK TO MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/9EPKYTbhXc

Via the:  commission & patreon pinup process channel (server Powerman2000)

$5+ Patrons get discord roles so that you have exclusive access into work as i create and update them to some of my clients via commissions, and also updates to current patreon projects. 

If you are not familiar with discord, or if your pledge is attached, this is a guide that will help you navigate this very innovative reward:   https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#h_21f22930-84c5-4950-b6b1-3e83312f66dc
Just  go to your Apps tab, and connect your discord to your patreon account. If you dont have discord, they walk you through how to create that,. 

Its a tool that works really great for exciting & more constant updates!

Thanks for your support, and looking forward to a great new year :)  


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