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So my deviant account is gone! 

Man, I just feel like once i get going... the wind gets knocked out of my system. But this... sorta came out of left field. And me being stupid me, i depended so much on that damn site to support my whole life and family. I feel so foolish! I really shoulda diversified more.  I did go to diffrent sites and social media, but i really relied heavily on that stupid ass site. I guess this is what real social justice looks like. Just squash innocent bystandrs with your freakin crusade. Ugh...

I know that you guys didn't come here for this, but now that i will have to go elsewhere and start over, i really need your help more than ever. You guys already support me, and have supported me, many of you for years now on here. But i can only reach so many of you so the little places i can, i will. I need help. I had some people talking over projects, and plus depended on the few people who came to otakusquid through devianart. 

DONATION PORTAL: http://powerman2000.blogspot.com/p/donate.html

Some of you have open commissions with me, but never updated me with the specifics. You can do so here or my email: martenasgodfrey@yahoo.com

Thank You

I was trying to really raise some much needed funds of atleast $400 by the end this weekend. If you can, or want to get a commission or start a project, id really appreciate it. 

My paypal is: martenasgodfrey@yahoo.com

Same as my email. You can note me there, or you can note me on patreon. I appreicate any help you can give. Thanks! 



You should be able to appeal it, I see accounts come back from that all the time. Especially since your cases are so borderline. Either way let me know if you need me to send you the commission info from the notes!


That's awful. I'm sure you'll be able to get your account back and get past this.