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What even is this?  Not much of a NaNoWriMo, is it?  I wasn't honestly planning on writing more of this, but it's what came out, and I have no idea what I'm even doing with it.  Things always seem less traumatizing when I write them in an outline, but hey, sure enough, this is what my brain came up with for "How do we build a Luna Lovegood out of spare parts?"  Her personality, I mean.  Not, like, literal spare parts.  Ew.  (She's only missing one part.)

But hey, at least it's a stone's-throw away from 12k words?

I promise, more Sharing the Nation for Christmas, damn it.


Sunset Shimmer: Crumple-horned Snorkack Ch. 2 (Continued)

Sunset was immediately restless the moment she was no longer preoccupied by the pain of her injuries. Xenophilius had told her to rest and let the potion do its job, but it wasn't five minutes before she was itching to do something. She tried closing her eyes, but that just left the sensati...


Andrew Denton

Well, I'm invested in this now.

pomegranate horsie

10/10 I never know quite what to expect from your updates and I’m always blown away.