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New Story (HTML Version)

Tags: [Twilight Sparkle], [Sunset Shimmer], [Starlight Glimmer], [Slice of/Adventure], [I'm bad at tags]

Description: Twilight's coronation doesn't go quite as smoothly as it could have, and things get more complicated from there.


This might not seem like as much of a departure as I promised last month, what with me coming in right at the deadline with only 10k words, but I had planning to do!  And… failing to actually get that one-shot up, too.  My only excuse for that one is that the title and cover have been holding it up, but I suppose I'm just going to have to put it up with what I have.


So, about this story.  It is, admittedly, soooort of another "Alicorn Twilight" story, only it's really not as much as it initially seems.  Things are explained in Chapter 4 (I'm trying out 2.5k word chapters), which is where aaaaaall the exposition happens and it ends with a bit of a (probably predictable) hook that should hint at exactly where the story is going.

Assuming anyone likes it.  I dunno, I think it's going places, but I know where it's going.  Let me know if it starts out too negative, or if you think there's too much Celestia bashing, or if the first few paragraphs sound like the narrator from Harry Potter subbed in for a bit.  I can never tell.

Oh, and I provided an HTML version again.  I should really do that every time.  I'd provide a dark mode version, too, except the HTML that Google Docs outputs is a mess.  If you need a dark mode version, I recommend a Chrome extension called Midnight Lizard, which is dynamic and works on local files.


New Story, Chapters 1-4

Chapter 1 Twilight was willing to admit, she was a bit off-kilter and more than a little bit sleep-deprived. Yesterday evening, after the day's usual sort of shenanigans that regularly happened in Ponyville, she'd suddenly sprouted wings, and she hadn't quite managed to regain her equilibrium si...


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