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Edit: Cutting it off at 9,700 words.  A little low, but not bad.  That was just where it wanted to end.

9,100 words, and I'll probably have 500-1,000 by the time actual midnight rolls around.  This is not "maybe in editing," but actual, "I still need to finish the scene and close things out," which tends to be much more reliable.

That said, I'm not actually, 100% sure that I'm going to keep Chapter 15.  It's… a little darker than my usual fare and I haven't yet decided if the comedy breaks soften it, or just give mood whiplash.

Then again, I rarely actually throw stuff out.  Usually, I come back to things a week later, shrug and post whatever it is.


【February】 Sharing the Nation: Chapter 14 & 15

Sharing the Nation: Chapter 14 - ✶ - Ever since her ascension to alicornhood, Twilight was used to seeing stars a little more literally than usual. Dazed as she was from her impact with Fluttershy's cottage, however, she had to admit that the trio of small, yellow birds circling around her head ...



I do like how Luna is now the calm, wise, yet still sassy one, while Twilight remains the panicked, unsure, yet snarky one. They have come a long ways from the previous book.