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Oh, uh… huh. It looks like someone just pledged exactly enough to bring us up to the $300 mark o_o. I was actually planning on increasing the goals to account for the roughly 10% fees, but I guess doing that now would be kind of disingenuous. Well, umm, I guess we'll see how this goes. For those of you who haven't been keeping track, the $300 goal is a do-or-die prospect. I either publish 10k words a month, or forfeit $100 of the pledges when it does get finished to a fund for getting commissioned art and the like done. …I probably should have made it $50.





If you'd like, I could rescind a penny :P


Ugh. Why did you do this to yourself? Why??? Yeah, I'm seriously willing to reduce my pledge, too, to avoid this. If you had this as a monthly billing, the negative consequence might be justified. Might. But I can't see how it's fair to dock yourself on a work like that. As it is, missing a month means you don't get paid for that month....and then to dock yourself again, when you do manage to eke out the next novella of a chapter? Ridiculous. I sponsor to show appreciation, not because I expect, or even want, anything in return...aside from helping out the people in this beautiful community who have made my little life just that much better. I vote you remove the penalty, honestly. You really don't need to do that to yourself. Your works are about quality, not quantity. Sorry for ranting, but I feel fairly strongly about this.


I kinda feel the need to agree with accidental here. i'd rather be donating to a fund FOR commissioned art than be forcing you into a position where if circumstances don't let you finish on time you have some sort of obligation to screw yourself over financially to make unnecessary amends. It's cool to hit the milestone, but it's not cool to back you into a corner, and I don't think any of us will feel cheated if you reduce/remove the conditions of it.


While art is nice, the sotry is more important to me.