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I feel like, if this story were ever properly edited after completion, that this chapter would probably be compressed quite a bit. Then again, for all the writing I've done, I've never been all that good at judging the proper amount of downtime between serious things, and I can't point at any one point and say it's superfluous. Maybe with the power of hindsight I'd be able to get each scene to pull double-duty though?

Anyway, things do happen, the topic of houses has been brought up, and there's a clear plan for what happens in the next chapter, which is pretty good as far as things go. I'm always confused when other authors apologize for a "transitionary" chapter, but just having characters meeting each other and interacting is important, too. Of course, you have to actually make it interesting, which is where the challenge is.

Back to Sharing the Nation, now. Hopefully it's been marinating in my head long enough to do the next couple of chapters justice? We'll see!


Sunset Shimmer, Crumple-Horned Snorkack: Chapter 4


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