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We are currently accepting commissions for May. Please make sure you are signed up for the appropriate tier before making a request so you can include it in your description. If you wish to increase your pledge to get a commission please note that patreon will charge you the difference depending on your original payment. Here are the guidelines.  Please refer to the tier descriptions to see what your options are for finish:

Limited: Please note fanart choices are limited for this tier. Please include three choices from three difference series if you must ask for a fandom request. We will reject all requests involving slice of life or harem anime,  webcomics, memes, and hentai.

Pin-up: We need a description or reference of the character and pose as well as the kind of expansion you would like them going through, if necessary. Size will be left to our discretion but you are free to state whether you want the character on the larger side of things. Please also include the kind of polish you want your image to have.

Illustration: We need a full description of the scene in question, including references for the character, their pose, and the expansion they will be undergoing, if any.  Please also include the kind of polish you want your image to have. 


Unlimited: Fanart choices are less restricted here. Please include at least two requests from two different series.  We will still reject all requests involving webcomics, memes, and hentai. 

Pin-up: We need a description or reference of the character and pose as well as the kind of expansion you would like them going through, if necessary. You may reference the size you want but canvas filling sizes or immobile ones will be scaled back.

 Illustration: We need a full description of the scene in question, including references for the character, their pose, and the expansion they will be undergoing, if any.  Size is unrestricted, within reason.



In Unlimited Pin-Up Tier Idea 1: I would like Akane (sta.sh/02fv3qaqweq) with some slight weight gained to her after a stuffing and laying back with her jacket unzipped rubbing her belly looking very full. Proportions similar to https://www.deviantart.com/stadla/art/Lucy-Heartfilia-Round-Belly-787891085 Idea 2: Rosa (https://sta.sh/01pye79senmh) after being forcefeed with her proportions similar to zelda in this (https://www.patreon.com/posts/fanart-friday-x-29936299) with her shirt only able to cover her chest and her skirt not able to fit over her butt/waist. Look forward to it!


Idea 1: Kahili - Pokemon Kahili attempting to golf but is unable to due to the size of her huge tummy. https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/5/52/Sun_Moon_Kahili.png/260px-Sun_Moon_Kahili.png Idea 2: Aqua - Konosuba Aqua struggling with the weight of her huge, water-filled tummy https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/konosuba/images/1/14/Aqua-anime.png/revision/latest?cb=20180328145536 Both tummies would be about this size or perhaps a bit larger: https://www.deviantart.com/axel-rosered/art/Gut-Buster-Katie-vs-Annette-669503961


Are you sure you want to write your sketch request here as well? Brave default agnes Please forcibly give me the liquid, make me ridiculously fat, please give me an illustration crying painfully.


If you want an illustration then you need to pay for that tier. For $25 you'll get a reasonably fat Agnes. Please familiarize yourself with your tier before submitting your request next time.


Limited Pin Up Tier 1. (Preferred Choice) Jill Valentine [Resident Evil series] in distress looking down at her newly pregnant belly expansion with her right hand open on her forehead while her left is trying to support her lower back. Her pants are unbuttoned due to the belly busting them open and her shirt rode up to expose her midriff. Reference Images: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b2/6a/9c/b26a9c3d066c6c3f96dbee427a78eadd.jpg https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6bf20638-dab4-4f27-a493-1923d6e4117c/ddsu27w-d08fb328-9405-4c36-b553-db2c7f906f2d.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNmJmMjA2MzgtZGFiNC00ZjI3LWE0OTMtMTkyM2Q2ZTQxMTdjXC9kZHN1Mjd3LWQwOGZiMzI4LTk0MDUtNGMzNi1iNTUzLWRiMmM3ZjkwNmYyZC5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.DzSX46DTfhxrYLsGTbxhELJO43CGqPZHBiBZTZE8TCk https://www.uhdpaper.com/2020/02/jill-valentine-re3-remake-4k-71622.html https://www.uhdpaper.com/2019/11/jill-valentine-resident-evil-3-remake_66.html https://www.uhdpaper.com/2020/02/jill-valentine-re3-remake-4k-71665.html 2. Jack [Mass Effect series] looking annoyed with her pregnant body as she holds her belly. Reference Images: https://pm1.narvii.com/6256/352347910a27fef094620739d4574251ccd8d944_hq.jpg https://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/20/19440/jack1.jpg https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/10/105264/4695660-me3_jack.jpg 3. Jesse Faden [Control series] looking at the camera worried as she can no longer button her pants together due to her pregnant belly. Her shirt also rides up to expose her midriff. Reference Images: https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/520/197/large/antti-puomio-jesse-civ.jpg?1568100169 https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/520/245/large/antti-puomio-jesse-face.jpg?1568100539 https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/520/405/large/antti-puomio-jesse-face-02.jpg?1568101105