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Dakota Cornish

I am confused is this be its on thing?


Given the choice between the two, I am a much bigger fan of fats and weight gain than of inflation and macro.~ If you think you can handle splitting your talents between two categories of fetish art, I would choose signing up for the fats side solely.~


Potentially. It's an idea Cutter and I have been floating around recently. We haven't made any decisions as of yet so things will continue as normal for now.

Dakota Cornish

I don't see why to split up. since this your patron and such. and you do diverse stuff on your DeviantArt account.


I'd rather everything be posted to one place.


Honestly, I'd prefer to have everything all in one place.


The problem I see is that unless you basically double your workload, you’ll still be making the same amount of art, but then putting it on one of two patreons. So the same amount of art, but fewer updates per page. It’s best to just keep everything in one place and ignore anyone complaining that you haven’t drawn X in long enough.


With no additional info to go on, I think this is a terrible idea. You'd have to significantly increase your workload if you still want the patron pledges on this page to hold the same value, and even if you increase or even double your workload, there's no reason why you couldn't just post everything on this page except to double-dip in your followers and wring more money out of them. Now, you may have something different in mind, so I'm not writing it off completely until you can properly pitch it to us, but with no other info, I'd say if you want more money out of people, then produce more content for higher reward tiers. If you work harder and produce more content, I agree, you should get paid more for it. But I feel like there have to be better solutions than making a second patreon page.


Because its one of the few expansion types we have regular demand for and forcing it to share a space so strictly with inflation limits what we can do there.


The patreon hasn't prevented us from releasing download packs with 30+ pages consistently a month. All a campaign like this would mean is that less of that content would find itself on e-junkie.


I’m not, hence why I was making an assumption. Can we ask then, with two patreons, would they both have the same upload schedule as you currently have while running one, or would it be different? That does affect my answer to the poll. If you can honestly run two patreons with the same upload schedule you have while running one, then I’d change my answer to supporting the weight gain focused patreon.


You are making assumptions based on more assumptions. We haven't even said what kind of content we'd be producing for it. Like I said to another patron below, some of the work we put into the e-junkie packs would just go into this. I'd wager that some of you are insisting its "too much work" when really you're worried about content being taken away from this page. Which again, is all based on assumptions considering you have no idea how our process works.


If you don't have all the information you need to form an opinion you ask questions. You don't post a glurg of text discouraging someone from trying.


Sorry, I wasnt meaning to come off as hostile or trying to make you defensive. I was trying to say it like a question; that being, are you able to keep up two patreons worth of art without drastically changing the upload schedule? That’s all I was trying to get across, because if the answer is yes, then by all means, a second patreon would be a good idea to keep specific niches satisfied. I don’t know your process, that’s why I have to ask.


Before anyone else comes in here with an opinion they formed without asking any questions or doing any research: 1- Any new campaign would not effect the work being posted here. We would still include heavy characters in the rotation here as well. 2- Any content for a new campaign would mean less of that content finding its way to e-junkie. This isn't about splitting our focus its about making it easier for those that want specific content out of us to get it. 3- A lot of you are assuming this would be another expansion campaign when what we want is an excuse to draw more heavy characters, period. We want the space to indulge there without it having to focus on expansion or feederism.


If the pair of you believe you can pull it off, then by all means go for it. I sure can't and won't stop you. ^_^ If not, then it's just business as usual, which means now that Axel's recovered we can just keep on trucking.


Its also amazing how many people have a mouthful to say about this while also admitting they haven't thought about it very hard or done any research.


Matsuo, if you don't have anything to add stop chiming in. And Schonberg, start by asking the questions first next time because we can't answer them if you've already made up your mind not ask them. Otherwise all you're doing is making it harder for people to get straight information while implying theres something for them to be potentially worried about. Neither of which are helpful. It also assumes we want your opinion on this beyond "would you like it?" If we were worried about work flow we wouldn't be asking.

Dakota Cornish

I think it be more convient for us and you guys if you just do it all on one. becuase if you do two your attention will be split and such. but do what you think is best. I am just giving my 2 cents since you know I understand creator are only human and can't do everything.


We wouldn't even be asking if we couldn't handle it. Its not like the patreon takes all our time. By your own admission your anxiety over this is entirely self inflicted. All you're doing is suggesting theres something for people to be worried about which is not helping nor is it useful feedback.