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Hi everyone! I spent enough time making lewd content for the game that I forgot to ask your opinion for the following versions😅  Well, now I take the opportunity for all those who have already played it, please comment here what you think of the structure it has and what things you would like to see improved or what errors you found. All this is to guarantee to make the best game possible and if everything goes well the next update with lewd content will be available between July and August.

I hope to read all your comments here if possible. Thank you as always for your support in these projects and look forward to the next update of the game that will be available soon. 😁 👌 

PD: Please ignore references to any kind of political propaganda here. it's just humor





Didn't notice much in bugs except when I pushed start for the first time. It didn't give me the option to do the prologue but it worked the other times. I think the structure works pretty good though can't say much since it was only exploration mode. As for things that would be cool to see. 1. It'd be nice for the dates that the girls change outfits like their V2 outfits from Forgotten Friendship onward 2. More locations would be great for exploration like the Music Festival from Sunset's Backstage Pass and Equestria Land from Rollercoaster of Friendship. 3. Lastly more variety in background music would be nice. The Friendship Games theme didn't really fit the scene with Celestia and it didn't fit exploring Canterlot High so more fitting background music that suits the setting and scenes. That's about it. This is just what I think. Don't have to take my suggestions if you don't want to. Your working hard and I know no matter what this game will turn out great.


1. The girls will be wearing different outfits and you will be able to choose which clothes the girl should wear. 2. By the way, there are now a total of 18 locations across the town and I don't think they will all be used. xD 3. Yes. The same sound with music has been added to most localizations at the moment mainly because apart from school, there is nothing more implemented than single backgrounds yet. I will try my best to help him develop the game, so your suggestions are welcome.