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Hi everyone. Well, I would like to let you know that last Friday, March 11, they gave me the third dose against covid. So far so good but it turns out that for some reason my body did not take it well and its side effects were totally disastrous for me. πŸ€’ Just this past Tuesday when I went to the emergency room they managed to stabilize my fever and they gave me a treatment to follow. With this new treatment I am managing to improve a lot and now I can write this from my cell phone. I wanted to warn before but my disastrous condition did not let me post anything. Anyway I don't want you to worry as I am improving satisfactorily and in a few days I will be strong enough to continue drawing and continue with the content of the month. Thank you all very much for your patience and I hope you don't worry. I'm fine now luckily πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

PD. By the way all the pending images that I have of the month for my Patreons of $ 15 I communicate that I will do them as soon as I can and fully recover the health to be able to draw satisfactorily. I hope you have patience with that and thank you all very much again for your support. ^_^



Eli Proa

Hope you feel better, try to get some rest today. πŸ™‚


Thank you. I am following a treatment and I hope with that I can redraw in a couple of more days πŸ™‚

khalif brown

Glad you're going to be okay


Difficult adaptation of the organism to vaccinations again? What is the validity of such a vaccination? Are you planning to take further doses?

The Fish

Good to here your better, take your time to recover from this COVID is no joke and everyone here can wait a bit for you to get better.


Thanks for asking. Fortunately, I feel better and now I can answer from my PC. Then I'll try as I am to make some sketches. As for the vaccines, they have the approval of the Ministry of Health of this country and therefore they are valid in terms of safety, but at the same time, before giving you the injection, they give you a leaflet with the possible side effects and it says that if these continue beyond 3 days you have to go to the emergency room and that was exactly what happened to me. Luckily nothing serious. :-)


Hi dude. Thankfully, I and my whole family have been able to survive the pandemic without having caught covid yet, but even so, the danger lurks for anyone. Thank you for your concern ^_^

Bentley I

It's good to hear that mate. Take your time and get well soon πŸ™‚


Okay. But vaccines won't be effective for your entire life, but only for a while, so are you going to take more doses?