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Okay. Here I bring you the first part of the Sunset game but this time exported with the new program that I bought.

Obviously the interface changes a bit.

Anyway, I have not had much time to test it.

So any bug you find can report it.

In the zip file you will find the versions for windows and mac.

This is only the first part of the game and I just want to know if it works correctly and without errors to be able to follow with the rest of the game completely.

Thanks for supporting me ^_^





You've certainly done a great job on it so far, though I'm wondering if in the future there will be a way to romance Sunset without molesting her. I've also noted a fair amount of grammatical errors (which I could help you with if you'd like). Other than that, a great first impression! Didn't encounter any glitches!


I did find one bug. The option to yell at Sunset to wake her up immediately puts me back at the beginning of Night 1. I'm not sure if that was intentional considering it was only a fraction of the game so far. Other than that it seems to work fine for me.


Thanks for your comment. In the future I think I can fix all the grammatical errors and other things until the game is completely done. And answering your other question. Of course there is a way to have an romance with Sunset without molesting her. Only that it is available in the longest aversion ^_^


Thanks for informing me of that bug. I'll correct it right away ^_^


hay manera de tener un buen final con la escena de sexo con starlight?


Bueno... Ciertamente tengo algunas escenas de un buen final con Starlight pero no están incluidas en la última versión por falta de tiempo... Si puedo las incluire en la versión final que tengo planeado saber para distintas plataformas :-)