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Okay. I already have written the scripts for the game of Sunset Shimmer. But I have come up with two ideas equally good and I can not decide what to decide for the game.

I hope you can help me choose the idea that you like more. While the idea that does not win will be recycled for some game in the future.

1)You are a stranger who gets lost in the city on a stormy day and after so much walking loses knowledge but fortunately is found by Sunset Shimmer who takes him to her house and invites him to spend the night.  In this game you will have the possibility to enter the room of Sunset while she sleeps and do "things" or try to conquer her in some way. It's your choice.

2)You are a boy who goes camping to have fun and maybe have some "summer love". Once in the camp you find Sunset Shimmer and you can make friends with her or maybe something else. In this game if you manage to conquer it you will have the possibility of her removing the clothes as you go answering some things correctly.

Please choose the one you like most!



So far it's tied, just need one more vote for camp! >3

Nicole Sunstone

I like the camp idea because of the voyeur/public forest aspect but both ideas sound solid!


Por favor donen y apoyen a mi amigo Isaac en patreon <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Conikiblasu">https://www.patreon.com/Conikiblasu</a>