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Hi everyone👋​😄​ Well, since the month is ending, I'll update my status a little. I'm still working on some animations for the next stage of the game. In the next update, the "Services" will be available, Which is basically being able to ask girls for things that you already imagine they are but that I can't mention due to Patreon's terms of service... Well I'm still not completely convinced with the animations and that's why I'm still trying some things. Anyway, I uploaded some draft animations that I'm not sure if I'll use in the end or not, along with some Fluttershy images to fill in.

Basically I always use Fluttershy as a guinea pig for everything XD

As always, thank you for your support in these projects and happy Easter to everyone! 🥳​😁​👌​🐰





I'm wondering about the first two drawings where Fluttershy lifts her skirt to show her panties. These are elements that are already in the game. What will they be used for? Are they supposed to be a kind of introduction to the services that the girls will provide us? If so, will there also be drawings of our hero introducing him to these services, such as unzipping his pants or taking off his briefs by a girl?

The Fish

Nice work.


Hi dude. No. Fluttershy's drawings are simple fillers. The only thing that will be seen in the game or that is how it is intended are only the moving images.