Asagi play with tantacle(阿莎姬觸手PLAY<3 (Patreon)
Hello everyone! Currently, I am working on a collaboration with a sound effects studio to add voiceovers to my animated artwork. I am also in the process of adjusting the dialogues and video length. Additionally, I am organizing my image files. The rewards for Period 27 will be sent out by the end of this month. Thank you all for your support, and I will continue to work hard to improve the quality of the rewards! >W<
大家好~目前我正在處理與音效工作室的合作,將我的圖片動畫配音.目前正在想台詞與影片長度的調整。目前也正在整理圖片檔案.第27期獎勵會在這個月底發出.感謝大家的愛護,我會更努力提升自己獎勵的品質的! >W<