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Hello my lovely Patrons!(中文下收)

I am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long. I am working hard to speed up my painting speed><!

My term2 reward is finished. Hope you like it. ^^

(A little chat to my patreons)

I recently noticed that I have less and less interactions with my lovely patreons because of being busy painting. 

I hope I can change that! No matter how busy I am, I will not let my patreons feel alone with no interactions from me. 

I love you guys so so much. Even if my English is not good, I will try my best to answer all your questions. If I didn't reply to you, you can leave a message on my facebook page or e-mail me!

Regarding Gumroad, I have said lots of times that I will run it as soon as possiable. I will start it when I finish editing my process video!

Lastly, my term3 theme will be a fate grand order character and my goal is to speed up my painting to 4~5 days a character! Term3 might take one and half months because I might make a tutorial and update my website!

Rewards will be deilivered january 13~15th.


Reward summary for term 2



  • higher Resolution jpgs


  •  higher Resolution jpgs 
  •  step process
  • Nsfw ver (mercy and pharah. doronjo)


  •  higher Resolution jpgs 
  • step process
  • Nsfw ver ( mercy and pharah. doronjo )
  • PSDs
  • prcess video(testing)
  • brushes
  • extra NSFW doodle(mercy nude ver)


Term 2 完成瞜  

抱歉讓大家久等了! 這次真的花比較久的時間讓各位等待.我會更努力去提升我的速度的!!


最近我發現  越來越少跟大家互動了 也許是因為畫圖有點忙加上生活的大小事.我真的很喜歡你們. 因為你們  我才能有幸為粉絲們畫圖.(真的是很愛你們)

我也在思考怎麼樣才能讓你們覺得我這個作者不會離你們很遠ˊ口ˋ.大家可以踴躍地跟我聊天  也許不能跟你太詳細的聊天 .但我會盡力服務你們的!如果我沒有注意到你的留言 你可以去我的粉絲專頁留言>W<!

至於gumroad 我一直說要開啟這網站給沒有買到過去作品的大大買.但一職都還沒開 . 等我完成作畫影片的編輯後 我就會開啟!


我的Term3 的內容會放在fate oder 的腳色上!目標是4.5天一張 term 3 也許會到2月底才會發放 因為過年不能畫還有需要更新網站. 加上現在的時間到月底也有點緊迫.Term3 應該會含有比較多的獎勵.也許還有時間做教學 請大家敬請期待瞜!



  • 更高的解析度的JPG


  • 更高解析度JPG
  • 步驟圖
  • R18版本 聖誕慈悲+多龍芝


  • 更高解析度JPG
  • 步驟圖
  • R18版本   聖誕慈悲+多龍芝 
  • PSDs
  • 測試版本的作畫影片
  • 我用的筆刷
  • 額外的R18 塗鴉(這期是之前答應的慈悲(裸版)
