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hello guys It’s been a long time no see. I can’t draw pictures for some days. It took so long to update. Sorry^^

Tifa won the character poll for a long time ago. Don’t know if you still like her.

I will hold poll for next term nsfw character doodle . Don’t miss it
好久不見呀各位.因為搬家還有一些事情 .我沒有辦法畫圖 拖了這麼久才更新 抱歉了^^
這是很久之前的腳色票選冠軍. TIFA不知道大家還喜不喜歡呀˙Wˋ
等等會發下一期的R18塗鴉腳色票選. 大家不要錯過歐

