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Hello My lovely support patreon!

This post was full of  Negative Energy at the beginning. After I type so many word.I note that I dont want you guys feel bad to see my stuff!

I wish you guys are all happy to see my post!I wish you guy all have a happy everyday!

I don't know when I will become really master. always have good work for you guys.but I will  Treated that as my life goad.I know you guys love me.I love you guy more XD. So please keep support me >A<.

Here are some change about my reward I have to announcement.

I thinking about this for long time.but I have to make this decision.

My process video will be removed because some reason below.

When I draw My work.I usually looking for reference and data.....act.

These have to be viewed one by one and edit them when I make a video.If the process video is 60HR long.I need at least 3day to edit and output.

To make 2 video a month .That is really too busy for me to do...( but If you really like my process video. please tell me. )

I will restore process video after my income is more stable .I cant afford  hire a video editor for now.QWQ( I almost have one income per three month. So my life is kind of hard 

And I notice that some of my lovely supporter buy a lot of my work on gumroad. I really thank! I hope you cant tell me who you are so that I can  thank you for your support!

Well.....My patreon has been run for a while. although It does not run very good. but I saw My  stan here not leave me. I am so touched QWQ.

My future reward will be 2 picture  .one of my picture will have 3~5  of nsfw version.other will have nude version.

and  My reward will also have my practice  in that mouth.Mightbe head study or skeleton study.^^

I will keep stand up after I full down as long as you guys are still here for me!

 love gtunver



my dude as long you post a picture or even a wip in a month we will be here and support you and when you have some busy months just tell us so and we will understand it =3 no one will force you.


Part of why I like you so much is your desire to improve yourself, although you don't need to beat yourself up as much as you do. As long as I'm along for the ride as you continue to push yourself, I'm happy.


I will always be there for you! Love all you do!