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Recent Creation Report:

Lately, I've been thinking about mermaids, a less important character in Danjon Meshi. I have some great ideas, so even though the character isn't very well-known, I still want to try drawing them. Currently, I'm planning for future creations to be small series. This particular series will have about seven pieces, which is a bit much. Next time, I probably won't make such a long series. If, during the series, I come across a great character and a great idea, I might spontaneously draw one or two pieces.

I occasionally stream on platforms like PIXIV, Twitch, and Picarto. I hope to see you there!

I personally feel that a series of illustrations can better integrate animations and provide a more continuous feeling. Although the costs for animating illustrations and hiring voice actors will be quite high, I need to start saving money now. I plan to start charging at the end of this month and continue charging every month until late October or the end of the year, when I'll start offering animated illustration rewards. Thank you all for your support! Please look forward to it!
最近的創作報告, 最近在思考人魚,迷宮飯裡的一個不是很重要的腳色,因為我有自己覺得很棒的IDEA 所以就算不是很有名氣我也想畫看看,

我個人覺得一系列的圖,可以更好的把動圖更有帶入感更連續感,雖然插圖動圖化與請聲優配音的費用應該會非常高,我必須從現在就開始存錢,這個月底應該會收費,未來的每個月應該都會收費,直到十月底或年底會開始有插圖動畫的獎勵,感謝各位的支持!! 敬請期待 !




This will be great! Your art is good and yoy should feel good!


Thank you for your encouragement. Recently, my family member has fallen ill, and it made me realize that my time creating for everyone is limited. I think I need to cherish every moment I have with precious fans like you.