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Hi everyone! Ohhhhh Season 5 is off to a good start! I can't wait for more!

Click here to watchalong and thank you so much for watching!

✦ KL



Brian Settles

Fun fact, Cinnabon loved BCS. I think part of it was how good Gene was as a manager haha! The Robert Forster appearance was filmed while he was still on set for El Camino. The details are next level, I love all the looks the people getting the phones have. It’s not a big thing but the dealer with the full on chola hair and hoop earrings was a favorite. I’ve been around women with that same look so I appreciated that. It’s funny, before watching this episode I had never thought about what someone would have to do to legally use an alias for work. Just never occurred to me.


yeeees been looking forward to another episode