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Hey everyone! 👋 I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! 😊 It's going to be another quieter week here for content because I have a lot of personal stuff to deal with. Appointments that I should have had months ago, some other to-do's that I need to get out of my way, that sort of thing. It's been bubbling for a bit now and I figured I would just get it all done now so I don't have to worry about it in March, which is still shaping up to be a super packed and awesome month on the channel! 🤘

My reaction to The Matrix Reloaded is in a copyright fight and rather than let that consume my life and delay everything else like I've done in the past, it'll just go out when it's able to. That could mean it goes out this week, but it could mean next week. And I am still working on the edit for my reaction to Heat, which will also be a this week or next week thing. As always, the watchalongs are available both as a paid member or to purchase in the Shop.

➡️ YouTube Releases:

  • The Black History Month Poll Winner, Glory (1989)

➡️ Patreon Releases:

  • We're diving back into Phase 4 of the MCU with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
  • And continuing our adventures with John McClane in Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995)

➡️ For Patreon Insider Members [Watchalongs]:

  • Starting Season 1 of Daredevil with Episodes 1 + 2
  • Starting Season 5 of Better Call Saul with Episodes 1 + 2
  • Continuing Season 3 of The Bad Batch with Episode 4

Season 1 of Agents of SHIELD wrapped up last week and I am still thinking about it! It was so much fun and while I'm so stoked for Season 2, I know a lot of you have been itching for me to get into Daredevil too, so here we are! A reminder that the first episode will be released to ALL for free and will join the other free watchalongs.

➡️ Twitch + YouTube.com/@kaleplays Streams:

  • Cancelled this week, but we will see you again next week!

What are you looking forward to the most?

And In Case You Missed It:

Thanks for all of your support here! It is greatly appreciated. 


✦ KL



Tyler Foster

Yippee-ki-yay, motherf --


Shang-Chi & Vengeance!!! Let’s Go!!!