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Hey everyone! Here is your watchalong access for the second Venom movie. Please enjoy and I won't lie, I'm REALLY looking forward to chatting about this movie (and both of them together) now that I've seen it!


✦ KL



Perry Campbell

Great reaction 😀These movies doesn’t do Venom justice from the comics. I was pretty sad about them but I don’t hate them. This gave me a excuse to watch them again 😂 🥲🥲🥲

Steve Graham

Love the first one and was really hyped for the second because I like Carnage but was very disappointed with the story line. I don't know who is responsible at Sony but they are really good at killing franchise.


Are these movies particularly good? No, not at all. But they are definitely a fun time. The Venom/Eddie dynamic is really the only aspect that make it worth checking it out tbh.


I definitely prefer the first one, but this one is a fun watch along with reactors 😁 I am not all that into the silly either, and they did go a little overboard in this one. I was surprised when I heard that Andy Serkis was the director. I think he is a phenomenal actor, but may need more practice at directing? They definitely could have done more with the story. I normally love Woody Harrelson, but this performance seemed like a less graceful interpretation of a past performance of his. Once again it’s mostly about Tom Hardy for me, and watching him be adorable for 90ish minutes in his almost one man show. I do also really enjoy his entourage of Mrs. Chen, Anne, & Dan, who I was very happy to see return and still be with Anne. Eddie & Venom should double date with Anne & Dan sometime. I remember the mid credits scene getting more hype than the movie back when it was released. We were all coming off the high of the first seasons of Loki & What If…? and the Multiverse had been unleashed. So Venom and Eddie popping up in a universe that had Tom Holland as Spider-Man was a huge deal. Good times as always! Have a great week everyone!