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Hey everybody! Here's the next episode for Better Call Saul. Kim's path right now is really interesting me, can't wait for more! Click here to watchalong. 

Thanks so much for watching!

✦ KL




I do believe the first contractor got the boot was because of the old saying "Loose Lips sink ships". He gave up his tunnel job as a brag and right after that Gus called Mike and off to the airport they went.

Brian Settles

The opening scene was shot on film to replicate the look of Breaking Bad. The song "Street Life" was released in 1979 by the Crusaders. It was used in the movie "Jackie Brown" directed by Quentin Tarantino. I LOVE the diversity in that scene! So many interesting customers. I agree about the absence of Chuck, Jimmy is sort of adrift here. But so are people like Howard, I believe his insomnia is tied into his feelings about what happened with Chuck. Going to therapy is so hard because it can actually be harder at least early on. You are confronting things instead of deflecting which can take a toll. Howard is struggling which Jimmy sees and figures it's not helping at all.