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Hiiiii! I have to make some adjustments to the rest of this week.

  • The Clueless and When Harry Met Sally watchalongs are coming today so you have them for watching over the weekend!
  • I'm cancelling my Fallen Order stream tonight to give myself some breathing room. I'll be back on Tuesday!
  • And for a bit more breathing room, I'll be watching and editing X-Men next week.

Everything else from the schedule is still a go. The last BCS episode for the week will be shared tomorrow and I'm so stoked to go live on the reaction channel tomorrow morning to connect with the community for a few hours! 😊

Thanks everyone! 

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Happy Monday everyone! I wasn't ill yesterday (yay!) so I am able to do a proper schedule post. 😊 I had a fantastic weekend catching up with a friend, who I thought I hadn't seen since like 2020, but turns out it was 2018. 🀣 Time has flown HARD for us both! Always good to catch up with a friend after that many years, right? I hope you all had a great weekend, let me know what you got up to!

This week ahead is pretty packed!

➑️ YouTube Releases:

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
  • Good Will Hunting (1997)
  • X-Men (2000)

The specific days are still TBD right now, because copyright and blah-blah. But X-Men will for sure be a weekend release.

➑️ Patreon Releases:

  • The watchalong to X-Men and early access to the edits for all of the reactions going on the channel this week
  • The watchalong to the winner of the Love and Laughs Edition poll - Clueless (1995)
  • The watchalong to my Valentines Day pick - When Harry Met Sally (1989) - been wanting to watch this one for a while now!

Early access to Clueless and WHMS, not sure if they'll come this week too for y'all, but probably? Maybe? Hopefully! πŸ˜‚

➑️ For Patreon Insider Members [All Watchalongs]:

➑️ Twitch + YouTube.com/@kaleplays Streams:

Continuing my first playthrough of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order:

  • Tues Feb 6 at 18:00 MST (01:00 UTC Feb 7)
  • Fri Feb 9 at 18:00 MST (01:00 UTC Feb 10)

➑️ Movies with KL YouTube Stream:

  • Celebrating 25,000 subscribers and TWO YEARS of reactions! Join me for a couple hours on the Movies with KL channel on Sat Feb 10 at 08:00 MST (15:00 UTC) - probably just going to chit-chat, answer some questions, and just provide the opportunity for people to say hi!

What are you looking forward to the most? 😊

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In Case You Missed It:

Thanks so much for your support and for being in this community! I really appreciate you all joining me with these films and shows. I love when I drop reactions and y'all freak out in the comments. πŸ˜‚ Definitely brightens my day! You're the best.

Have a great week!

✦ KL




This week’s schedule looks awesome! Love the rom com choices! I have been so spoiled lately with all the X-Men content across the board. So many reactors and various breakdown/info channels I enjoy watching are starting or continuing with the Fox X-Verse branch of their Marvel journey. Thank you Multiverse Saga! Positive or negative, I am very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the film that helped kick start what would become the biggest and most successful film & television franchise of all time, so far 😜 Fantastic start to the month!


It is awesome to catch up with old friends, happy you had some time for that and that your health cooperated. Time certainly does fly, the first 5 days of February have been bittersweet for me since 2003. February 5th, 2003 is my first born’s birthday, Spencer would have been 21 this year, seems like a lifetime ago, but also only yesterday all at the same time. On Monday we visited his grave and placed roses and a stuffed giraffe, then had a nice lunch and an afternoon nap. It was a lovely day, I would have liked to have some snow on the ground, but a lovely day nonetheless.