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Hi everyone! Click here to watchalong to Ep 10 with me! I'm so intrigued about what is to come!! Please enjoy. 😊

Thanks for watching!

✦ KL



Onno Smits

I love this episode! We're really kicking the show into high gear, with a bunch of separate threads all coming together: - Mike Peterson and the Centipede serum - Akela Amador's eye implant - The girl in the flower dress from the episode with Scorch - The Clairvoyant which was namedropped a couple times - Coulson and the mystery surrounding his death/aliveness This was a mid-season finale back when it first aired in the U.S., with the show going on a one-month hiatus due to the Christmas holiday season. Kinda cruel to have it end in such a cliffhanger and then stop airing for a month, tbh. 😂 In terms of wider MCU connections, not really much. They namedropped Captain America and Thor and mentioned Coulson's cellist ex-girlfriend again. That's about it. The episode was much more about calling back the open threads from its own show. I'm looking forward to another episode reaction tomorrow!

Christopher simeon

So much surprises and connections that all lead back to what happened to Coulson.