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Friday continues with my reaction to S3E3 of BCS - click here to watchalong! (Make sure to click the Refresh link below the Unlock button if you see that instead of the video.) I am really enjoying how this season only has two major stories to focus on, instead of multiple. Not that there's anything wrong with the latter, but it's just nice, ya know? Please enjoy and I'm looking forward to your comments!

✦ KL



Brian Settles

Mike shot the gun multiple times so that when he took the final shot they would think it was just another shot taken by a hunter. A couple of shots/scenes I have fun with: Kim getting ready for the day being edited like a high octane action scene. And then the two of them standing in front of the glass wall is just so beautiful.


I know Mike is talented but how did he know which red shoe had the product in it. I guess that's why he's Mike and I'm not :)


He can see through items! 😂 Good question though. Maybe he was just lucky!