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Hi folks! Happy first day of 2024! I hope you all had a good time in between Christmas and New Years' and I hope your new year has started off really well! I am finally through the sickness that I had and I'm really excited about the month to come! Here is what you can look forward to this week:

➡️ YouTube Releases:

  • Die Hard 2 (1990) - I'm ready for more John McClane in my life!

➡️ Patreon Watchalong Releases:

  • Die Hard 2 (1990)
  • Point Break (1991) w/ J from EOM Reacts
  • Dazed and Confused (1993) w/ J from EOM Reacts

J and Blank (his editor) and I have been talking for a while now about collabing and it's happening! This is J's first time collabing with someone. Similar to the collab I did with Cassie from Popcorn in Bed, we're watching two movies. Point Break will go on mine and Dazed and Confused will go on the EOM channel. These are first time watches for both of us and we're very excited to bring these to you! We will be premiering them on our channels next week and I'll share specifics in the early access post.

If you are not subscribed to J and haven't watched his reactions, please check him out! My favourite reactions of his are: Titanic, Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park (because this is his editor's favourite movie and it showed), and Taken.

➡️ For Patreon Insider Members [Watchalongs]:

That's it for this week! Only one YouTube release this week because I'm in the process of getting ahead and getting into a rhythm for 2024. The Spider-Man movies will be starting next week. 😉 And I will be sharing that massive newsletter post very soon too! Paid patrons will be getting details about my 2024 plans, but I'll just broadly say right now that I'm very excited about what's to come. It's been really great to spend the time getting a plan set for the entire year. This doesn't mean every movie is decided, but more just figuring out when I'd do YouTube polls, Patreon polls, can I fit in this small series, or that small series, how long will the X-Men movies take if I do them at this pace, when will I be done the View Askew, etc!

Now I did throw out this question on YouTube but didn't get a ton of responses to it... I want your ideas below on certain themes of reactions for certain times of year. Avoiding the obvious ones, like a romance movie for Valentines Day and scary movies in October and a war movie in November... give me your other ideas! Anything unique that you can think of? I would love to consider them and try to make it happen. 😊

To everyone who wished me a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, thank you! ❤️

PS. Anyone check out this fan animation of Revenge of the Sith's Battle of the Heroes in the Clone Wars animation style? Thanks to John for sharing this in my Discord server! It's so well done!

Cheers fam!

✦ KL




Happy New Year!!! So much fun stuff coming this month!!! I will have to check out EOM Reacts. Maybe a re-make comparison week where you watch the original and then the re-make.


I love that idea! I actually have a plan for one of those already. 👀 Released on back to back days.

Clay F

Yay Daze and Confused. Look forward to watching your reaction.