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Hello everyone and Happy Friday. Happy Thanksgiving as well to those of you in the United States! I have some exciting news. 😊

Effective immediately on my website, if you click on a watchalong reaction and your account isn't authenticated (due to session expiry or if you are a new member), you will now see a sentence that says Already a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content. 

The Refresh link works the exact same as the "Login with Patreon" button that is at the top of every reaction landing page. It will either send you to a Patreon login screen first or - if you're already logged in - it will go right to the Allow/Deny screen to authenticate your account for a new session.

This is something that I asked the developer for when I first got my content on my website, because the Unlock with Patreon button doesn't work properly if you are already a paying Patreon member. It's been the reason why I've always linked to my landing pages and have instructed you all to ensure you're logged in first before trying to access watchalongs.

Now that this has changed, I will start linking the specific watchalong post and I will also update my video walkthrough.

If you have any questions at all, please let me know in the comments.

Thank you!

✦ KL


Chad Jenkins

It's always been a bit confusing. I think this will help


So sorry for the confusion. I've tried to make it as easy as possible, but am still at the mercy of the developer of the integration. 😂 Thankfully he updates it on a regular basis, so this particular update was very appreciated!


Sweet! I'll try it later