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Hello everyone! I am very excited to pick up this series again and what a fun episode to kick off my return back into this show. I've just shared my watchalong for Ep 5 to my website: click here to get that!

Thanks for watching and I'm looking forward to your comments!


✦ KL



Onno Smits

Hey KL! Great to get back into these with you! 🎉 I agree with your comment at the end, that the overarching storyline (Leviathan, Battle of Finow etc.) is the least interesting part. That's strange but I think it's because they're trying to drip-feed it across the episodes, and thus it's mostly done just in dialog. Showing instead of telling would be a lot more compelling, but I guess they want to keep the mystery or the doubt about whether something being told is the truth or not. Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan is indeed the same character (and actor!) that was in the Howling Commandos in Captain America: The First Avenger. I think something you missed (or didn't verbalize) is that Dottie's backstory (that whole classroom/training facility setup) seems like a proto version of Natasha Romanoff's history. If you look back at the previous episode, Dottie's fighting style with all the flips, scissor leg-locks, climbing on the back etc. is also a carbon copy of Black Widow's style. Only 3 more episodes in this season!


Thanks for watching Onno! I'm glad that I thought I remembered Dugan haha I think the bowler hat and mustache def clued me in. That's a great point about Dottie being like Black Widow. I'll have to keep that in mind! 😊 Looking forward to more!