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Hey everyone! I hope your Saturday is going well. Here is my watchalong for S1E4 of Better Call Saul. There was one part of this episode that I REALLY loved.

Thanks for watching!

✦ KL



Brian Settles

I wouldn't get too hung up about the Saul Goodman stuff. Obviously it's gonna happen at some point given what the show is. I do that sometimes too and it can make things feel like a tease even when they aren't. I like how you noticed that smile from Kim after she talked about Jimmy and his scam. Those little details are so great. On a personal note, I felt so dumb when "S'all Good Man" was revealed. Thankfully plenty of people didn't get the joke in Breaking Bad so I didn't feel so alone. haha


This show will frequently drop details subtly because it stresses the acting and cinematography to tell its story just as much, if not more so, than the exposition. You will miss things and that’s ok. Just know that this show, like Breaking Bad, does not waste a single shot or scene