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Happy weekend folks! I wish you all a wonderful one and here's something to watch during it! I've just uploaded my watchalong for the last half of this show - check it out here! I am excited to read your comments.

Thank you for watching! Who is excited for Loki next week?

✦ KL




Honestly I've never found it nearly as difficult to feel bad for John Walker as many people do. I feel the show makes it very clear that he is a deeply broken man, with PTSD from his time in the military. He should NEVER have been put on the pedestal of Captain America, but the US Government only ever saw him as the fantastic soldier he was, never the man behind it. And to be frank, Sam and especially Bucky were overly antagonist towards him from the very beginning, they were at fault there... Personal feelings aside, they were constantly pushing him away when he was only ever trying his best. Truly, John Walker WAS Captain America, at least a version of it. Steve Rogers was the Captain America of the ideal, of the hope for a better America. But John Walker was the Captain America of reality, of the dirty truth. He was exactly what the US Government really wanted, even if they would never admit it.

Perry Campbell

Great reaction!!! This is still my favorite Disney Marvel content. I might be bias Sam story takes place where I live. Down south in the bayou Louisiana 😄😄😄😄

sierra's reaction corner

I love this show soooo much. This is the show that got me to sit down and actually watch the MCU in it's entirety earlier this year. I had watched most of the big movies in theaters up until Endgame, after which I stopped paying attention, but this show kept calling me and I'm so glad I watched it because I got to fall in love with this whole franchise. As a black woman, growing up watching the MCU and seeing so many white faces be the main heroes can get a little disheartening something especially when paired with the knowledge that the few non-white characters we had were for the most part "sidekicks" or at least, non central roles i.e Fury, Rhodey and Sam at first. That's why "Black Panther" was such a big deal for our community when Chadwick got to represent as T'Challa on the big screen and the story was something so specific and relatable to a lot of us. And now getting it again with Sam Wilson and getting even more exploration of him and race and the history and systems of this country are SO important. Also I'm a southern girl with a bias for Anthony Mackie, this show was catered to me ha! 100% suggest watching Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan interviews or compilations, those two are hilarious together lmao Honestly, I slightly disagree with Bucky needing his name changed to The White Wolf, it would be nice, but to me Bucky's journey was less about leaving the Winter Soldier in his past and more about healing and accepting what was done to him and turning the Winter Soldier into a symbol of good, this time with his own agency and control. Can't wait for Loki now! Probably my favorite show after TFATWS. No one asked for this lol, but my top 5 MCU Phase 4 shows are definitely TFATWS, Loki, She-Hulk, Hawkeye, and WandaVision so I can't wait for the rest! But I loved them all in different ways, definitely non-comparable even though people try lol You're in for a ride!


"...and turning the Winter Soldier into a symbol of good, this time with his own agency and control." A+ This. Well, all of it really, but I totally dig this bit. 👏🏼

Theo Harris

Valentina: "We are not going to need a Captain America...we are going to need a US Agent". Ominous tiding for Sam. Producer Nate Moore hinted in interview that they are not done putting Sam through the wringer as he tries to grow into being the new Captain America


They really nail the suit from the comics pretty amazingly, and I'm even more surprised it doesn't look awful. The whole piece actually coming up to his forehead is a thing I never thought would look good live action. I don't think I would ever guessed in a million years I'd see Isaiah Bradley in live action. I actually really love the way they chose to go with his character. I don't think we get his first name, but Nagel is actually the one in the comics who experiments on him. The backstory Isaiah gives us though mirrors Steve's story in a lot of ways. He was experimented on, became a government puppet and did what he was told until he hears about a refugee camp full of people like him. He decides to go against orders knowing he'd be in trouble and is successful, but when he returns, while Steve is labeled a hero and becomes a symbol; Isaiah gets branded a criminal and thrown in prison. So it makes perfect sense why he'd be so jaded and against the whole thing. My god does Carl Lumbly nail the role and gives such a nuanced and deep take. I think he's the MVP for me considering how little we really see of him.