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Hey everyone! I've just shared my watchalong for Part III of Ahsoka on my site. Really excited to discuss theories about what might come next. 😊

Thank you for watching!


✦ KL




This episode was awesome, just sad it went by so quickly. Watching Sabine's training was fun. More organized than Ezra's initial training and it was awesome to see it having kind of a samurai feel to it. Huyang's honesty level might have benefited to be turned down to a lower percentage though (referencing TARS here) 😂 Space combat and Purrgil... So, so good 😍 My belief is that Morgan will get her hyperspace ring operational and she sets off to the other galaxy, while Ahsoka and Sabine will somehow get assistance from the Purrgil to make the journey. Shin is such a fascinating character. There is something raw and kind of animalistic about her. I'm looking forward to learn more about her and I hope they don't kill her off this season. Also looking forward to learn more about Baylan. I think he and Ahsoka are more alike than they'd like to admit. In E1 he tried to bluff his way to get to Morgan, seemingly to avoid killing anyone, and does not want to kill Ahsoka. His comment about being payed handsomely for his services indicates that he is there as a mercenary and not working for Morgan over to some evil conviction about ruling the galaxy.


Love the TARS reference and firmly agree. I like your theory about Morgan going first and Ahsoka/Sabine going later. Shin is interesting, agreed. Need more info! And yes I'm also very interested in Baylon. He seems to have some good in him, but after all that's what grey Jedi are right, a mix of both? I played my first playthrough of KOTOR kinda grey at times, so I'm very interested in learning more about him.


I feel you with the Rainstuff. Im more a Winterperson but the sound of rain and the mood always makes me feel good and relaxed. The Episode was quite good. i like that Sabine get a proper training and is not instantly a perfect Jedi like Disney did in the past with Rey. Sabine reminds me of Chirrut being force sensitive but couldnt wield the force. There are other examples of Jedis who couldnt use the force, for example move objects but still be full trained Jedis. Acting and storytelling was fine for me even if Ahsokas movement in space was...well...not that realistic but that is really a minor flaw. Big fan of Huyang not sugarcoating what he thinks. The Truth is uncomfortable especially nowadays. Thanks KL, great reaction as always.


Yes!! Sabine totally feels like another Chirrut potential for me and I hope that's where Dave is taking her.

Sean H

This episode for me is just pure bliss, sooooo enjoyable from start to finish, the fact Jacen has a Pouldron that’s the same as Kanans is just AA😭 Also this show has made me cry like 3 times already cuz I have ALOT of attachment to the ghost crew and the scene where hera snaps briefly cuz they said Ezra was dead just destroyed me ): In regards to predictions, I think Baylan, Shin etc are gonna end up using the ring to get to the other galaxy but in the process, Sabine, Ahsoka, Huyang, Hera and Chopper (hoping they are backup in the next episode) are gonna find their own way there, maybe they temporarily defeat Baylan and use the ring themselves? Honestly don’t know how this shows gonna go down, are they actually gonna find Ezra? Is he gonna be okay? Who knows man, let’s just hope our precious boy is safe 🙏 Really enjoyed this reaction, KL, really good vibes throughout this one which I love to see (:


Thanks for watching! Love that this show is hitting you in the emotions. Interesting theories too. I hope we get to see Ezra. 🤞