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Hello! Well, this episode was interesting... Please click here to join me in watching it! And thanks so much for doing so.

Since I'm putting out episodes so fast, I don't expect y'all to binge like I am. I look forward to reading your comments once you've gotten around to watching and leaving them!


✦ KL



Brandon Dodge

It was honestly cool to come back to Coruscant during the New Republic Era. So there's a deep cut for "Taungsdays." In Legends, the ancient Mandalorians like Mandalore The First were originally Taungs from Coruscant. They had a Civil War with the Zhells on Coruscant and were originally driven from it and founded a new planet and named the Planet and their Species after their leader Mandalore. I feel so bad for Pershing. It's interesting how they went into how Cloning has some moral complications. It would be even more restrictive now after the Clone Wars. And we're kinda seeing the cracks in the New Republic. They're doing the best they can but they're stretched pretty thin. We had a reference to the Demilitarization Act from Aftermath in which Chancellor Mon Mothma gets rid of the Alliance Fleet after the War officially ended.


Thanks for the Taungsdays info! I am glad I'm not the only one who feels bad for Pershing. He seems like a really nice guy, just getting pulled into really bad groups of people and kept kinda in the dark about the larger implications and such.


I think the coruscant mountain is all covered by city, so the city we see is already at high elevation, and the rest of the mountain probably goes down and down and down to the planet surface, wherever that is haha. The other mountains are all probably covered similarly.