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Helloooo hellooo again! Welcome back. Here's Episode 6 of this show and the finale will be shared in a few hours. 🥳 

Please enjoy! 😊

✦ KL




the whole thing about making grogu choose does feel wrong. it's hard to tell if the show knows that or not though.. a lot of star wars material over the years has been about how the jedi suck actually, were wrong in a lot of ways, etc, etc.. we all should absolutely question their ways and not just assume they're always the heroes of the story or irrefutably wise. it's sad to see ahsoka parroting the attachment stuff, but there is a good argument that she'll always have some trauma and fear over where it can lead and it might be hard for her to get past that. and luke is another can of worms. many of the sw books over the years have made a big point about how much weight he feels on his shoulders over having to start the jedi order anew by himself. and his training was ultimately very limited. he really doesn't have much to go on as far as what jedi actually did back in the day. a few old books and a few days with obi wan and yoda. there's a lot of pressure and i think we see here he's maybe falling back onto some of the questionable old dogma, perhaps because he's not comfortable following his own instincts and doing things a better way. it's disappointing, but also interesting to see what lessons he's learning or not learning

Andrew Sitek

One of my main gripes with post original trilogy jedi is that (to me at least) Luke saved Anakin because it was his father and even though he had no real attachment, that made Luke decide to save him. Then we get to this point and Luke is now telling his fist student "you have to choose which life you want, and if you don't choose the jedi you can't do jedi things because attachment is bad". You'd think after learning from Yoda, Obi-wan, and Ahsoka he'd realize that the jedi order and their beliefs were a part of their own downfall. Also, legends Luke was definitely not against attachment and even had kids, which makes more sense to me at least. In Filoni we trust, but this is one of those moments where I was hoping we'd see Luke go more towards legends but no.


Well to be fair, by the time this show came out the sequels were all done and we see how Luke acts in those, and towards Ben Solo. So this would definitely have to connect more to the canon older Luke that we see there than to legends content.