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Hey everyone! First, apologies if you were trying to access reactions in the last 6 hours and couldn't cause my website was broken. An update got pushed through, the kind that broke certain plugins that make my website run. Of course, it all happened while I was sleeping so I wasn't able to go in and fix until about 20 mins ago. It is working just fine now!

Anyway, here's my full-length watchalong for Spider-Man: Far From Home! It was really awesome to see Jake Gyllenhaal join the MCU and if you like when my brain gets all messed up by what I'm watching, well this movie certainly delivered on that. Please enjoy!


✦ KL




Thank you for a fun reaction, KL! I am a Czech living an hour away from Prague. Great city. I promise you won't regret putting it on your itinerary when you eventually visit Europe :)

Onno Smits

Mid but fun was my conclusion as well. I, unfortunately, was made aware of who Mysterio was in the comics, so I was expecting the twist when I was first watching it. Still fun though, and I love how they tied it back in with Iron Man, and the scenes from CA:Civil War and the first Iron Man movie. You are the first reactor I've ever seen that noticed some of the background actors in Venice keeping an eye on Peter. In fact, all of Mysterio's crew can be seen keeping an eye on Peter in Venice, including Gyllenhaal himself. I can never spot them when I'm just casually watching the movie. The Talos/Soren twist in the post-credits felt weird to me too, first time. There are a bunch of hints to it throughout the movie though, with "Nick" being called "Nick" by "Maria", and "Nick" saying "your world" instead of "our world", which is a sentence they even changed in the trailer to avoid revealing that spoiler. Some of his mannerisms are also a little different, which you even pointed out in your reaction! Looking forward to WandaVision and/or Black Widow, whatever you're doing next!

Steve Mercier

No Way Home tips at the top of my Spider-Man movie list for all kinds of reasons...but man I love this one. Jake Gyllenhaal makes for a spectacular villain, and Tom Holland and Zendaya are ridiculously cute in this. Good shit!


Thanks for the comments! While I'm editing, I'm eager to see the little details throughout the movie that I may have missed. I'll be doing WandaVision next!

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

So some really cool stuff Mysterio is a famous Spider-Man villain first appearing in The Amazing Spider-Man #13. He was a special effects master and stunt man working for a major Hollywood. He then realized that his expertise in illusions could make him an effective criminal so in his first appearance he frames Spider-Man for robbing the Midtown Museum by creating the illusion that he's Spider-Man. If you know about Spider-Man outside of the movie's (Games, Comics, Animation etc) then you'd right away know that Mysterio is a villain but they did a great job for people unaware of his character. In the comic's he has zero powers but he is a former special effects artistic who was also a Stage magician under the name "The Magnificent Mysterio". For Far From Home they pretty much just modernized him with holograms and linked him closer to Tony. Mysterio was going to feature a small part in Spider-Man 4 the opening scene would've featured Peter bringing Mysterio to a police station. He was rumoured to be played by Bruce Campbell meaning every time we saw Campbell in the first three films could've actually been Mysterio with this version being closer to his Stage Magician origin story - https://youtu.be/KxZBIFf80V4 In this film Mysterio also mentions that he's from Earth-833 which is the reality of Spider-UK who's also apart of the Captain Britain Corps, a group of Captain Britain's from altered universes who are the group of provide all the universes with there designation, For example mainline Marvel Comics Earth-616. Mysterio also refers to the MCU as Earth-616 which like I've mentioned is the the main comic book Earth where the MCU bases most of it's stories on. These of course are only claims by Mysterio. He most likely just picked some random numbers that just happened to be real Earths designations but this is not the first time the MCU as been referred to as Earth-616. Alot of people including myself would've preferred if the MCU was it's own universe (Earth-19999) and not a live action rendition of Earth-616 as the two universe's just don't line up at all from the X-Men, Fantastic Four and other groups and hero's playing a massive part in this Earth along with events like Civil War, Ultron, and Infinity War being pretty different to the comic versions it just doesn't line up at all and would be better if the MCU just remained Earth-19999 a universe inspired by the comic's both Earth-616 and the Ultimate universe. Could be a case of different organizations having there own designations for example some people could see the MCU as Earth-616 but in the greater Multiverse they're known as Earth-19999 under the Captain Britain Corp designations. Regardless I hope we get an answer to this as we can't have two Earth-616's. Also Loved that they got J.K. Simmons to play JJJ again but this time in the MCU. JJJ was mentioned in the Webb Amazing Spider-Man films but we never saw him. I like to think that Simmons is JJJ in every universe lol But yeah overall I enjoyed the film I just would've prefer something more New York focused and focused around Spider-Man rather than Stark tech. No Way Home gave me what I wanted so I'm so excited for your reaction to that.


I'm excited to get to No Way Home! I do have to watch the Garfield movies first though, so those will come at some point before NWH. Thanks for all the comic info!


Can't wait to see this one! I'll always remember the experience of seeing this movie in a theater because before the movie started, there was an earthquake in the Southern California region. It wasn't a big one, just a sort of gentle rolling kinda thing... but it also lasted for a minute, maybe two and I remember sitting there thinking "uh... so are we going to exit building" and looking around but no one moved, probably thinking the same thing. And then it stopped, and we just continued on with the movie! First time being in a movie theater during an earthquake!

Bryan Dempsey

That was great. I think they did a great job on the fake out with Mysterio. It was fun watching you take it in like a kick to the shin. It’s a good movie but I honestly don’t like the post credits scene. I pretend it didn’t happen, I prefer Peter working with Fury and I feel like it breaks the whole story. I liked their interaction, it was good for Peter and then, nope not Fury and it’s only revealed to the audience. Peter doesn’t even know. Just doesn’t work for me. It’s also very convenient how all the main (and supporting) teenage characters were swept up in the blip and we can pick up with all of them. But it is what it is. My favorite part of the reaction is how you responded to both Peter and MJ as they awkwardly connected and Ned & Betty’s whirlwind romance. The movie did do a good job demonstrating teenage relationships with those two, kids melodramatically acting out their idea of adult relationships.


Yeah the post-credits scene is a bit odd. I love Talos, but knowing he was Fury the whole time is a little weird. Looking forward to seeing how it all connects, anyway. Thanks for watching!


Delightful to see the film; delightful to see you. Put 'em together: paradise! We can understand why Tom and Zendaya got together, they're perfection. According to your planned exploration of phase 4, how long before you get to the next Spider-man film?

Onno Smits

From what I understand in the end she decided to just run through the entire official MCU content in the release order, but adding the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies. That means she'll have 5 movies (3x MCU, 2x Amazing Spider-Man) and 5 MCU shows (36 episodes total) before reaching No Way Home. 12 of those episodes are 30min or shorter, so she'll probably combine a bunch of those into a single reaction. Depending on how fast she wants to blitz through the episodes, anywhere from 10 to 24 weeks before she reaches No Way Home. Very rough estimate.

Tyler Foster

Seems like I enjoy this one more than you did. For me this is up there with Ant-Man and the Wasp as one of the best "pure fun" MCU movies, and (I seem to be in the minority here) blows the first Holland movie out of the water. It has stakes and drama but at its heart it is a high school movie, and I think it's a pretty good one thanks to Holland and Zendaya's great performances. I love the visual creativity of the illusion sequences, specifically the one in the abandoned building before Peter gets hit by the train. I also think it's clever tying it into that illusion tech from Civil War and also Peter Billingsley's scientist character way back from the original Iron Man. It was funny you mentioned the Skrulls in your outro a few minutes before the closing sequence. I don't think there's much to the joke, just that the filmmakers thought it would be thematically relevant and a fun wink to have the shape-shifting Skrulls in the same movie as the illusionist Mysterio. I'm sure I mentioned this on the first Holland Spider-Man but I'll say it again, Angourie Rice (Betty Brandt) is really funny in Shane Black's The Nice Guys, which may be of even more interest to you if you soon find yourself desperate to see any other full-on comedy performances by a certain leading man (of which there too few!)...


Yeah I think you do! It's def not a bad movie to me, but not a top one. I def enjoyed AMATW more. Agree with you on the visuals and Tom/Zendaya though!