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Hey everyone! Let's pick up Mando again, shall we? Click here to watchalong with me. 

Thanks so much for watching!

✦ KL




Frog lady is the best. She was basically the break out character in this episode and everyone loved her when this aired. The spiders are a similar design to the spiders at Chopper base on the planet where Bendu lived. They and these ice spiders were originally a Ralph McQuarry design from the original trilogy concept art. Also I noticed this time because I've been watching with subtitles, that Dave's character is named Wolf. That must be his favorite animal because Plo Koon (who he's said is his favorite jedi) had the Wolf Pack squadron of clones lead by Wolf. We have the Loth Wolves. And then now Wolf the X-Wing pilot. Maybe I knew this information before and forgot but I just noticed again haha.


I am glad that other people loved Frog Lady. And that's very cool about Dave's name! I think we can confidently say that it is his favourite animal.


Btw this is something i hinted at around black panther (it was just a random comment don't expect you to remember it :P), but the composer there is also the composer for some (alot?) of the themes here, Ludwig Goransson, imo he's someone to keep an eye out for, love his work with Childish Gambino and Ryan Coogler among others, I just think his work here is cool especially Moffs theme but its also right up my street. imo he's a composer whos style is very easy to recognise with an already great but also promising career.