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Hi folks! Let's begin Season 2 of Mando, shall we? Click here to watchalong with me. What a wild start to the season! Thanks for watching with me. 🤘


✦ KL



Andrew Sitek

Not really a lot to discuss in terms of story progression or plot necessarily since its pretty simple, but season 2 is where we start bringing in all the easter eggs and references, some more obvious than others. The R5 unit that showed the map in the beginning appears to be the same R5 unit that malfunctioned in A New Hope when Owen was picking the droids from the Jawas that led to them picking R2. I haven't seen this officially confirmed but the design, markings, and even the spot where it malfunctioned all look the same. One of my favorite aspects of KOTOR was humanizing the sand people and we finally get that in canon star wars media. Being light side in KOTOR and interacting with and learning about the sand people was fascinating to me. I love all the KOTOR 1 callbacks and they almost followed the Krayt dragon mission to a T. The strategy in the game was to put mines down at the entrance and lure it out, which is basically the same strategy they tried here. Also, at the end it wasn't an egg, it was a pearl they pulled out, which if you remember from the KOTOR1 mission, you could either sell for a ton of credits in town or give it to the sand people as a trophy, which is what Mando did here. Cobb Vanth is another reference as he was introduced in the Aftermath book series which took place in the...aftermath of Endor so that was another cool reference for people who had read that series before this. I don't think it's actually been confirmed, but a lot of people (myself included) believe that Cobb Vanth's speeder is an engine from Anakin's pod racer. It looks different by itself but the visual and sound design both seem spot on. Obviously we get Boba's armor here, and it's sort of an unspoken bit of comedy in how it fits Cobb Vanth. He's too tall and lanky so it just looks funny on him. Also, when Mando hits his jetpack and sends him flying before the Krayt dragon gets him, that's a callback to how Boba got sent into the Sarlacc pit in Episode 6 after having hit jetpack hit and it sends him flying.


Thanks for all the info and RIGHT I totally forgot about the pearl, to be honest.


There were some people who had a slight criticism about The Mandalorian, even in Season 1, where they said that the show felt like a videogame, with many episodes being "do this mission" and getting a new piece of equipment as a reward. And, well, I think it does borrow from videogame storytelling, but I don't see it as a negative. The fact is that it works, and it shows that videogame storytelling can be compelling even outside of videogames if done right.


Completely agree! It also feels like chapters of a book that kind of have a natural closure/cliffhanger at the end of the main focus of the chapter.