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Hellooooo everyone! I want to extend a HUGE hurrah and some insane gratitude for all the love on the Captain Marvel and Clerks reactions specifically. Don't get me wrong, all the MCU reactions have had lovely comments sections and discourse, but something about CM has just really warmed my heart. To pull up that post and see multiple comments with multiple likes on them and seeing you reply to each other and share a ton of things has just been really heckin' lovely to read and be a part of and I'm feeling it deep in my soul. You're GREAT. And Clerks - man, that movie is freaking stellar and I can't wait to get that out publicly tomorrow and I am genuinely really excited to continue with that series, so I'll be looking to react to them sooner rather than later. Just gotta figure out scheduling on that and where to place them. Maybe one a month until I'm caught up? I will potentially need to break my "no torrenting for reactions" rule when it comes to Dogma though as I've been informed of that situation LOL. I've looked up buying a DVD for it but my options are basically trying my luck on eBay or paying like $70.

To those of you who are silent supporters - who don't engage on posts but watch the reactions and enjoy them - I see you, because I see how many views the videos get, and I appreciate you too. Very much. 💚

To wrap this up I actually just wanted to throw a little update about the next few days. I'm gonna be out of town from Sat afternoon to Monday afternoon. I've got my niece's second birthday party to go to and THEN I'm attending a concert down in the States and it's a big deal because I get to MEET THE BAND. 🥰 I haven't shared any details about this except with friends and family and now YOU, but I am keeping the REAL details to myself until I get back. But I can't wait to share pics. I'm excited to be Traveler KL again this weekend. 😅

So that all said, my biggest priority right now is getting the Captain Marvel edit finished so it can go out on Monday without an issue. The early access for that will be shared either in 24-ish hours from now or on Sat morning my time. I do not know yet if I will have time to get out anything else for y'all before I leave on Saturday. I am gonna try for another Breaking Bad reaction for Insiders folks and hopefully a movie for y'all. But we'll see. For Mando, we still have enough time for me to fit the rest of that and BBF in since we powered so fast through S1 so S2 will resume when I get back.

Please enjoy your weekend and if the weather is nice where you are please go out and enjoy it because life is too short and seasons are too short and you deserve to have the best day! Hug your loved ones, pet your pets, enjoy a yummy snack, and don't forget to breathe!


✦ KL



It is always a pleasure to engage with this community. Thank you to everyone who makes this possible. Have a great weekend and Safe travels to all, 😃✌️


Will be watching the CM reaction during the weekend, as for Clerks I need to figure out if it’s available around here. Never seen it before. Wishing you a wonderful weekend with your niece and with the concert. Looking forward to hearing about that when you get back 😀🤘 After a few weeks of low temperatures and rain, the sun finally showed up, so I’m definitely gonna enjoy that 😎 Don’t have any pets to pet, but I’m currently babysitting 11 sheep, so I can pet them instead 😂


Give the sheep all the pets! Clerks should be available somewhere online - it is on Amazon Prime Video for me and that's how I watched it.