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Hey all! Last movie before Endgame, let's goooo. Click here to watchalong to Captain Marvel with me. Looking forward to chatting about this one because when I was looking up Letterboxd reviews to put in the edited review, people seemed very split on this! Also please forgive my utter confusion for the first like 60% of this movie lmfao, it all made sense to me in the end! 😂 


✦ KL



Marty McGee

I never really understood the mary sue complaints about Carol. At this point in her life she's had her powers and been learning to control them for six years. Sure she unlocks them for the finale and gets a huge "glow up" (pun intended), but we've already seen her use her photon blasts briefly for maneuvering and defense as well as offense. Plus during the fight after getting her full powers we see her struggling and learning. If Carol is a mary sue then it seems to me so are Captain America, Spiderman, Wanda and Pietro and I'm sure several others that are never associated with that label. Or I may just not understand the full meaning of the term. Which is totally plausible.


I thoroughly enjoyed re-watching CM with you. It was not a favorite of mine when I first saw it in the theater. Maybe it was "gee I have to watch this to get to Endgame", I don't know but it improved immensely in my estimation this time. I enjoyed your reaction (though I was annoyed when you were talking in the morgue scene and seemed to miss that initial reveal that Keller was a Skrull). Thanks for making CM ⚡a more enjoyable MCU movie for me. I think it will become a movie, like Age of Ultron, that I re-watch because I see it with new eyes thanks to a reactor viewing.😉


Yeah I'm gonna miss a couple things here and there as it can be tricky to figure out when to talk when I'm watching something I've never seen. Especially from an editing perspective as I gotta have enough chatter in it to be able to get it on YouTube with Fair Use. 🫠 Sorry that it's annoying, but it is what it is and this happens with most reactors. I appreciate you watching with me and I'm glad you found it more enjoyable as a result of that! 😊

John W Foster

The reason you can't pick up that Samuel Jackson has been de-aged is because he wasn't - they achieved it all with makeup


This isn't true. When I was done watching the movie, I read a couple articles online that detailed all the VFX work that went into de-aging Sam. It was an extensive process because he's in the movie so much! A lot more work than de-aging Coulson and also de-aging Robert Downey Jr from Civil War.

Onno Smits

Ooh I know a fun fact about this movie that no one has mentioned yet! The security guard (who points out the Radio Shack to Carol), is portrayed by Barry Curtis, the actual Head of Security at Marvel Studios. From what I heard, casting/auditioning him started off as an inside joke, and then he did such a good job that they just ran with it. 😅 Head of Security of Marvel Studios is a weird job, because it's really two wildly different halves. One half is managing the standard building- and on-set/-site security. The other is NSA-level type secrecy management, as any leaks/spoilers must be avoided at all costs.