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Hey everyone! So Patreon gave me early access to another feature called Collections and it appears that this is replacing the tags that you see below posts and what you could formerly filter my posts with. The link to Collections is at the top of my page beside the About and Shop and Membership buttons.

Unfortunately, Patreon doesn't auto-convert tags into Collections and it's something I've had to set up manually. 🫠 Knowing this, I've only set up 4 collections and I don't plan on setting up any more. The Collections are: Announcements, Polls, Member of the Month, and Newsletters.

All of my other tags that I've been using were simply to sort out the reaction and gaming posts for you all, but finding exactly what you want is achieved far better over on my website now anyway because you have to go there to actually get the reactions. The Patreon posts have turned into notifiers to let you know a new reaction is available, since I know a lot of you get emails about them. They are also a place to leave your thoughts and chat with others and with me!

So yeah, just wanted to let you know about that! I can still add tags on my posts for now, but I anticipate that will be removed soon-ish.


✦ KL


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