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Hi everyone! We're in the home stretch of Season 1 now. Click here to watch Chapter 7 with me. I'm looking forward to your comments! And once again, I'll share my love for Giancarlo Esposito. 😍


✦ KL




So, about the force healing, I am not sure if what I am saying is 100% true, because I haven't read any novels and only a few comics, but I think force healing was introduced first in videogames, like the Jedi Knight and KOTOR, as it makes sense for a videogame, but I am not sure how George Lucas himself viewed it. From Clone Wars we know the Jedi had medical staff, as we see when they think Yoda could be sick, and I am sure they used force-assisted healing, but before this we never saw insta-healing of wounds through the force, so I have a feeling George Lucas never intended it to be possible, otherwise we would have seen Jedi healers in the battlefield, saving lifes of many Jedi and Clones. The way it is portrayed here and in the Rise of Skywalker seems a bit OP, BUT, we have seen Jedi with rare special force-abilities that only a few could use (like Quin-Lan Vos's seeing the past through touching objects). So, I think if it is such an extremely rare force ability, it could be acceptable without it breaking the logic of what we've seen before. Other than that, it is a great and very exciting 2 episode finale, great to see most of the main characters reunited, unfortunately we lost Kuill, he was such a great and interesting character. I wish we saw more of him, but losing him certainly raises the stakes.


I bet Giancarlo looks under the wheel chair this go around