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I'm baaaaack! 🥳 Happy Friday to you all! I hope you all had a really great past week while I was away. I literally watched this movie last Thursday and when the credits were done, I had just ONE HOUR until I had to leave my house for the whole week and I hadn't packed. 😅 The full-lengths take much longer than one hour to edit, export, upload, and share here (usually around 4-5 hours), so there was no chance of getting this out before I left - sorry about that! I'm super glad I managed to squeeze in the time to watch this before the trip though. And I was able to talk to my brother about it as he drove me to the airport. 😊

Here's the link to the MCU page to watchalong and please remember no spoilers about anything to come!

Enjoy! 🧡

✦ KL




Order 66 🤝 The Snap Now that you’ve seen the movie, check out this promotion for it: https://youtu.be/-lgcAySBbTA


My 2 cents: I agree wholeheartedly, seeing Peter Dinklage, especially as a dwarf who 'dwarfed' everyone, was a treat. Great reaction, I'll be waiting for more...

Dan Dedrick

I have to apologize, as I am the asshole that hinted at Josh Brolin being in the MCU during the No Country premiere. It was stupid of me to say that I look forward to your future review of him at that time. I sincerely apologize. But I do appreciate your reactions a great deal, KL. Thank you.


You're all good Dan! ☺️ Josh is SO good as Thanos! Can't wait for Endgame. 🎉

Sean H

Pure. Peak. Fiction. Easily my favourite MCU movie. An absolute masterpiece in my opinion, my only issue is that like you, I was bummed that we didn’t get a proper reunion with Bruce and Nat, I think the people at Marvel realised a large majority of people didn’t like their relationship in age of ultron so they kinda retconned it in a way. I also wanna defend my guy Quill here from the people who get genuinely pissed at him for what he did (not you obvs lol) Like, imagine finding out the love of your life got killed to fulfill their “parents” completely messed up ideology of correcting the universe, not only that, but that exact same person kidnapped them and held them hostage right in front of you and demanded you to kill her. Like bruh I totally agree with people saying Quill had a part in their downfall, that’s objectively true, but you can’t sit there and tell me you wouldn’t flip the fuck out 😭 Anywayyyyy, lovedddd this reaction, KL. Really interesting seeing your reaction to the snap, most people completely crumble haha😆


I am not a GOTG fan, and I am especially not a fan of Quill. However, it does bug me when people get so mad at him ,not KL😜 but the many others that have. So, being completely non-biased, I would add this argument to his defense. Dr.Strange saw 14 million+ possible outcomes of the “coming conflict” and he has a photographic memory. If we agree that Strange knew what he was doing when he gave the time stone to Thanos. Then it could be argued that Strange also saw Quill’s reaction after hearing that Thanos had just murdered Gamora. So Quill’s outburst was just as much a part of the path that leads to a victory as handing over the time stone to Thanos willingly was. It could also be argued that instead of pulling the gauntlet off his hand, someone should have tried to cut his hand off his body or better yet just kill him while he is incapacitated 😆 Of course, then we wouldn’t have this awesome movie and set up for the Endgame. So, either way, the way it all went down from the point that Strange looked into the future, is exactly the way it was supposed to go down. In conclusion, Peter Jason Quill aka Star Lord is innocent 👩‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️👨‍⚖️😜😁


Loved the reaction!!! I love Bucky & Rocket meeting. The way Bucky just picks up Rocket without missing a beat, or not being shocked about a talking raccoon that is shooting a high powered gun at raging space dogs. Then, proceeds to use Rocket to create a spinning spray of bullets and kill said raging space dogs, the whole scene is perfection. Bucky’s face and the walk off after Rocket tries to buy not only his gun, but his arm as well, comedy gold and the meeting we all needed given Rocket’s known prosthetic body parts fetish. The Cloak of Levitation is hilarious as well in this movie. I love it when the Cloak is mimicking Tony as he is talking to/parenting Peter 😆 good stuff. Looking forward to the edit and review! Also, WELCOME BACK! Hope you had a good vacation!


Totally understand your Quill defense and I agree! And LOL welp I guess I better get ready for people to be upset with me for not being emotional at the snap? My brain over here was just like Okay cool visuals, but they're not GONE. I refuse. This will get fixed. 😂

Chad Jenkins

Finally! Up to this point in the MCU this was the only one to top "Winter Soldier" for me. No judgement that you said you currently feel the Cap movies are better. When this came out, we didn't necessarily know about Endgame, so the victorious villain ending was a shock. The build up for Thanos was so huge. Hinted at in end credit scenes, the puppeteer behind the curtain setting things in motion. When I first saw the movie, I assumed that Hulk was not coming out because he was scared, after getting wrecked by Thanos. Another fun bit, they made one last jab at the end of the credits. Usually we get "hero x will return," but this time "Thanos will return"


Hahaha, after Ragnarok, I was expecting you to haaate the humor in this movie. RIP It looked like you had a ton of fun, and it was cool to rewatch with ya! Thanks for the thoughtful content


Thanks for watching! Enough going on story-wise that it didn't feel the movie was relying on the humor too much like I've felt with some other MCU films.

James M

Thanks for the reaction! Waiting a whole year for Endgame to be released was torture.


I bet it was! Glad I am only waiting less than a month. 😅 Thanks for watching James!

Marty McGee

The sound design during the "dusting" after the snap was such a brilliant choice. No music. No extraneous sound. Just the limited dialogue and wind noises. Watching it opening day in the theater was one of the most memorable theater experiences I've ever had. All you heard were a few sniffles and gasps in the audience as each character disappeared. There was minimal conversation during the credits as well. It was like collective shock and awe at what we had all just witnessed. It was a very daring way to end it. People compare it to Empire Strikes Back in that it ends with the bad guy "winning." But with Empire it ended with us knowing there was a basic plan to get Han back so there was still hope. This ended with no plan. Just Steve's, "Oh God," and Thanos's smug little smile as he stares into a sunset.


Yep, I truly have NO idea how Endgame is gonna go, but I'm so excited to find out! Thanks for watching.


Imagine having to watch Infinity War when it first came out and then having to wait an entire year to see Endgame 😅 The agony!!! 😫 Your reaction was awesome as always Kaiielle!