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Hello everyone! I have some very exciting news. 👀

I was granted Early Access to two features coming to Patreon. The first is a "Join this community" button which essentially replaces the "Following" button (which people never really use) and it allows anyone to become a "member" without having to pay. They'll get email notifications of all of my Public posts (like this one)! And it makes upgrading to a paid tier more noticeable if they choose to do so.

The second feature is the one I'm most excited about and why I'm making this post... a DIGITAL STOREFRONT! This allows me to set things for sale that folks can purchase, regardless of whether they're a Patron or not.

How do I plan to use the storefront?

I'll be working to add all of my watchalong content to the storefront! These will be uploaded as zipped MP4 files. This will take some time for me to do as I don't keep my MP4 files once they are on YouTube and cleared, just because of storage space (though I really wish I had, but hindsight is always 20/20. I never thought I would need them again). So I'll have to re-export everything. My PC is gonna get some awesome work in every single night now LOL.

Here's what you can expect:

  • FILMS: they'll all be listed individually in the store BUT also listed as a bundle when they are part of a series. So non-Patrons will be able to pay one price to get my watchalongs for The Dark Knight trilogy, or the Star Wars films, or all of MCU Phase One, for example
  • TV SERIES: bundled on a per season basis and when the show is completely done (like Clone Wars or Rebels), I'll upload the entire show for one price

For folks who are pledged monthly or annually here, the individual movie MP4's in the shop will be free for you by default. However, any bundled stuff (series, seasons, entire shows) will have a price that applies to both Patrons and non-Patrons. 

I'm really excited for this storefront feature, not just for reactors, but for all creators. It'll eventually be rolling out to everyone, I'm just not sure when.

I'll be getting to work on this as soon as I return from my vacation.

The reasons I'm excited:

  • A lot of patrons are only interested in one or two movie reactions every once in a while, so this is very ideal for them. They no longer have to worry about signing up just to then process their cancellation and such. This is great for folks who don't really wish to be part of the community either, but still want to support.
  • This is REALLY great for people who can't afford being part of my Patreon consistently, but want to show support in some way or get access to a specific thing, kind of like the above.
  • I'm able to finally offer the MP4's to y'all without taking up any of my own storage space on a cloud service (like Google Drive) which is why I've never offered this.
  • Patreon only takes 5% (plus payment processing) of the listing price. This is compared to 8% (plus processing) for the memberships.
  • It's another stream of income for me that exists forever (theoretically) and doesn't rely on me having to consistently post (though don't worry, I'm not going anywhere and posts will always be here).

Any thoughts or questions?! Let me know below!



Onno Smits

You can download the mp4s from your YouTube creator dashboard instead


This is really good news! I only have room in the budget for 1 or 2 channels but there are some full length reactions I’d love to see from other creators. Love this change.


The storefront is such a great idea, really interested in how that develops, I had two questions, Not actually looking for an answer to this first one but would be really curious about the pricing, I remember really wanting to see your andor reactions but not wanting to commit at the time lol, this would be perfect. Secondly, What are the chances of a reaction being in the storefront but not available to patrons? Since I'm assuming the bundles will still have individual eps available for 'free' for patrons?


I won't be doing this because YouTube compresses the ever loving hell out of videos. 🤣 And you can tell the difference.


Nice! I've actually used the follow button before. Awesome news about the storefront. I wonder if other content creators will take advantage of it.


1. Individual movies will be priced at $3 CAD which I believe is the minimum price that Patreon is allowing for products in the storefront. Bundles will be priced higher. Smaller bundles like trilogies will probably be at the $6 pricepoint, where larger bundles like all the Star Wars films and the MCU phases will be a bit higher because they contain more reactions. The exact pricing on those I'm not sure yet. 2. I don't intend to ever put any reactions on the store that aren't available to Patrons as part of their membership. I don't know why any reactor would do that, to be honest LOL. 2.5. The reactions currently listed at https://kaiielle.com/free will still remain that way. And I will continue to drop the first episode of any TV series that I'm watching at the Insiders tiers there. Obviously those episodes will also be included in the bundles. But I can't sell a bundle while making certain files within that bundle accessible for free, if that makes sense. So if someone is considering buying a bundle to Andor, they can watch the first episode for free right on YouTube and then within the bundle, the MP4s to all of the episodes (including that first one) will be in there. Hopefully that makes sense!


This is a feature that a lot of people are excited for. I'm not sure if all reactors will use it or not. I kind of hope so. But there are many other creators in various other niches that are excited for this. Lots of authors, MANY artists, etc.


The storefront sounds like a great new feature and it will be interesting to see if it becomes popular among viewers who can't/won't commit to a full membership. Sucks that you have to re-export everything though. But then, storing all those MP4s aren't cheap either.


Yeah, the full-length MP4's are really large, which is why I had deleted them once they were uploaded, ESPECIALLY after I got them moved to KL's Vault channel. Even with deleting them, I'm still at over 2.5 TB of files for the reactions I've done so far for the channel. I'll have to get another external HD soon. That TB is all the raw reaction footage, plus the project files from my editing software for both the FL and edited versions, plus any thumbnails I've made and other images/screenshots. Music, other assets, etc. I plan on keeping the MP4's this time around, though. Just in case. 😊

Tom Evans

Sounds good! I have subbed to Patreons before for just one movie reaction. It doesn't really bother me, but definitely nice for people to have the option to just purchase a one-off in some situations. Is Patreon offering you (unlimited?) storage for hosting the mp4s? That's pretty sweet if so.


There hasn't been any communication about a total storage limit, but there is a file size limit that I've currently submitted feedback about because it won't let me upload a ZIP file greater than 5GB and my full-length reaction files are always between 7-9 GB depending on the length of the movie. Weirdly, I can upload the MP4's directly as videos, but I don't want them embedded right on Patreon's site. I want to do the ZIP file. So we'll see if they get back to me. EDIT: Looks like I can get things compressed a bit more using Handbrake, so gonna try that out. I'm going to assume that most of the 5% cut they're taking off listing prices is going directly to storage costs.