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Hello everyone! I made a mistake last week in thinking that this week's non-MCU reaction would be Remember the Titans. But then I remembered that I had originally scheduled Before Midnight to go on the channel way back on June 2, but obviously my chaotic May really messed that up so the start of this month was playing catch up on what would have gone out in May.

I definitely wanted this reaction to go out before the end of June, so here we are! Click here to watchalong with me. The edited reaction will be coming sometime tomorrow for you all.

With that, we have another completed movie series. ❤️

Thanks for watching along with me!

✦ KL




Yes! The last movie to the series! Can’t wait to watch💯

Bryan Dempsey

It’s here! I knew we were due this film soon. What a nice surprise. Looking forward to seeing how you felt about this one.

Tyler Foster

I hope when this gets edited and you pop on the outro you dig into your thoughts on Celine and Jesse's big fight.


I did not dissect their fight in my edited review, but I did talk for a while. We can talk about it in Discord if you really want my breakdown of it, I guess. 🤣

Bryan Dempsey

Finally had the time to watch this morning. This was my second watch. You made it easier because you talk less in dialogue heavy films, but your verbal feedback isn’t any more important than your physical response. From the moments you clutched your fists under your chin, or anxiously rock back and forth during their fight, you are clearly immersed in their story. I agree that seeing them interact with other characters was nice. It certainly helped establish who they are a bit outside of being a couple, which is important as you witness quite the “couples fight”. I’m glad you found these movies, I’m glad you paced them out as you did, I’m glad you enjoyed them, and I’m glad you have put yourself out there and share your reactions. Doing this on any media platform is not just about looking at the pretty woman watching movies. You’re placing trust in strangers all around the world to watch and appreciate the journey with you. On the personal front, I remember being dropped off at college in 1993. Internet in its infancy, no cell phones, and I was leaving behind my 10 year old brother. After the 3 hour drive home my mom called me immediately long distance and told me to call home that minute and pretend it was my idea, because as they drove away I did not turn around for one last look and wave over my shoulder and my brother cried all the way home. That memory hit me like a ton of bricks when Jesse’s son boarded the plane and you said you would have looked. It’s been 30 years but only now do I understand how much my mom and brother needed me to turn and look.