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Hello everyone! Here's my watchalong to the next film in the MCU! I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for watching! ❤️🕸️ PS. The edited version is coming later today (or tomorrow for some of you 😅).


✦ KL




Let's go!


Hope you are doing fine. Thanks as always for the reaction. Take care and stay safe. p.s. Keatons Villain Name is Vulture.


Omg another MCU reaction? YES please!


Have you watched the other spider man movies? I think you mentioned it early, when you were mentioning how Tom Holland looks the right age. just hard to find it in the full length. Edit: nvm lmao, you talk about it at the end, so sorry. typed that during the credits. Loved your reaction when we found out who the vulture is, that whole scene and the car bit is always surprising.


Yes, I have watched the Tobey Maguire ones! I watched them as they released back in the day and then I just re-watched them in Discord recently with some folks in the community! I haven't seen the Garfield ones and those will be coming to the channel in a little bit for reactions.


yeah that was my bad for typing too early when I was in the credits, so sorry! you mentioned it as well in the reaction.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

It's a pretty big debate in the Spider-Man fandom but do you prefer the more low tech Spider-Man of the comics where he designs his own web shooters and outfits fighting as a solo street level hero for a few years or the MCU rendition where Peter is taken as a protégé by Tony Stark a few months after becoming Spider-Man and thrown into the deep end with The Avengers and benefiting from having high tech equipment out of the gate. Marvel originally wanted a more street level Spider-Man and they even came to Sony with the idea of adding Avengers Tower to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) which would've canonized those films as MCU but that never happened. If it did we would've had two films featuring Spider-Man doing his thing and then Garfield would've been introduced in Civil War where he'd no doubt be given a new Spider-Man suit created by Tony Stark. So it would be closer to that of the comics where Peter starts small like in the Sam Rami films and then introduced to the greater Marvel universe. Also Michael Keaton is a great Vulture and it is very Meta that he got to play Batman, Birdman, and now Vulture. Vulture was also meant to be the main villain of Spider-Man 4 before it was cancelled so it's been a long time coming and I think Keaton does a great job with this rendition of the character. Most of the characters in his crew are also Spider-Man villains like The Tinkerer who makes all the weapons. In the comics he has provided technology and weaponry for several of Spider-Man's villains so that does a great job at explaining where these villains get their tech from. We also have Shocker, Two in fact Jackson Brice who is killed by Vulture and Herman Schultz who Vulture hands the Gauntlets to and says "You're the Shocker now". Jackson Brice does exist in the comics but he was the founding member of the Enforcers a small team of career criminals who were among Spider-Man's earliest foes. Brice has a very wild west cowboy look going on in the comics. Herman Schultz though is Shocker from the comics so he's the actual Shocker going forward. And finally Michael Mando's character seen at the Ferry and in Prison with Vulture but I'll not say which villain he is as it's not revealed in the film. non of these characters have their outfits yet so it's easy to miss that they're in fact Spider-Man big villains from the comics but this is all early so that makes sense. Overall I really enjoyed this film think Tom makes for a great Peter Parker and an amazing Spider-Man and this overall is really the only Spider-Man film to get High School right in how the students look and the overall tone and feel. Everyone looked like College students in Spider-Man 1 and 2 lol

Steve Mercier



I couldn't tell you why, but Spider-Man is like my favorite super hero. Maybe it's because Tobey Maguire's spider-man came out for me in early high school so I was THAT same age and it's just been my thing since then. I have loved every movie, every reboot-- and normally I roll my eyes at fast reboots. I really like Tom Holland's charm and the supporting cast. Everyone is intelligent and written believably, the adults are responsible and caring, and the only dumb stereotype teenage character is Flash, and Vulture was a smart, well reasoned villain. It's a really solid movie. That scene with Michael Keaton in the prison I could see having two interpretations and I can never figure out which one I think it is: 1. He says he doesn't know who Peter is because Peter ultimately pulled him from the dangerous wreckage so it's like a pay back sort of thing-- saving peter's life since peter saved his-- or 2. He says he doesn't know because he wants to finish off Peter himself when/if he gets out. It's so ambiguously played that I am never sure.


It is very ambiguous! I kinda like that. I want to believe it's the former. Thanks for your comment and for watching!


Homecoming has a double meaning: yes it’s an American high school event for football games and a dance. The other meaning is this is the first Spider-Man movie (owned by Sony) to be in the MCU (Disney). It’s his return to the original world of Marvel.


Fun is certainly the best word to describe this movie for me. This one is mid tier MCU for me. I am not a big Spider-Man fan, but I do enjoy Tom’s interpretation. I am a big Michael Keaton fan, so he was a nice surprise, and I am always down for him playing the villain. Keaton can truly be scary at times, like you can see his switch flip, and you know he is about to “get nuts” I saw Homecoming in theaters, it was cool to see Spider-Man centered movie in the big screen again, even if he isn’t on my top favorite superheroes list. The last Spider-Man I saw in theaters was Tobey’s SM:3. You mentioned Tom Hardy and it got me thinking about the Venom movies. Has anyone in your personal MCU inner circle mentioned watching the Venom movies, and their watch order? Similar to how you already know about incorporating the Andrew Garfield movies before No Way Home. Sorry if have addressed the Venom movies before and I missed it. Glad you are getting back into the groove and look to be mostly in better health. I am familiar with the long lasting nagging cough, it’s the worst. We are pulling into the home stretch of phase 3, so excited!!!


Yes, I've chatted about the Venom movies before, but have been told they're not *necessary* as they are stand-alone films and aren't technically part of the MCU. I'm considering watching them for the channel though and putting them shortly after I watch the Garfield Spidermans.


Right on. For sure that aren’t *necessary* they are fun and entertaining, especially if you enjoy Tom Hardy as an actor. As far as their relation to the MCU goes, it is true, they are stand alone, and take place in their own Venom universe…but…I’ll just say they are good for reference, just like the Tobey and Andrew films. A good order to watch them in, if you decide to: Venom (2018) watch any time, no worries there. Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) is tricky, I would say watch it after the MCU’s Spider-Man: Far From Home(2019) and maybe even wait until after Loki show. Watch Venom:LTBC right before No Way Home. So yeah, shortly after the Garfield Spider-Mans 😁 So, now that we got Venom sorted out, let’s talk X-Men 😆😆😆 just kidding, for now, but the Mutant universe will not be ignored for long 😜 P.s. I am a HUGE X-Men fan, so I will always campaign for reactions to anything mutant related 😄 Enjoy the rest of your week!