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Good Friday everyone! Here's the next Member of the Month draw! I had to upload this to YouTube because Patreon wasn't letting it process for some reason. 🫠

I have also included another little update in this. I'm finally 100% back in the swing of things as I have spent the entire past week learning DaVinci Resolve and unlearning old editing habits from my former software. It's been a LOT of work but very rewarding to learn something new.

So next week will have two or maybe even three reaction videos going out on the channel itself instead of just here on Patreon. I'm also ahead in recording reactions for the first time like... ever? And am going to try to continue to be. 😄

Congratulations to Baal Firenze - our winner of the June draw! Baal has been a Patron here for a LONG time as he is from my Twitch community originally. I DM'd him as I was writing this post/uploading the video and he already got his movie picked for me, but he wants it to be a surprise. All I will share about his movie pick is that it's one that I've NEVER heard of before! 👀

Have a FANTASTIC weekend everyone!


✦ KL

PS. I'm going to skip my monthly newsletter this month just because of how shitty May was. I wouldn't know what to talk about in the newsletter really. For channel analytics, the channel actually did very well in May despite only putting two videos out because of all my existing videos. I'll combine the May channel analytics with June's and share it all in July. ✌️

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For those who are new around here...

What is the Member of the Month program?

  • This is a monthly draw (first Friday of every month) of all qualifying members and the winner gets to pick a specific movie for me to watch or they may choose multiple movies to be put into a poll
  • The full-length watchalong reaction and review to the movie will be uploaded to Patreon before the end of the month. It may also get edited to go on the YouTube channel at some point in the future but this is left to my discretion
  • MotM is my compromise to having a specific tier where people can pay to request reactions, which has been asked for in the past, but the idea of it makes me feel uncomfortable

How do I qualify to participate in the Member of the Month draw?

  • You must be an Active and Paid patron with no declined payments outstanding by the time the draw is done (first Friday of the month)
  • You must have at least 6 (six) months of pledge history here (total, not consecutive) OR you pledged up front with an annual membership

What happens if I win?

  • You must reply to me within 72 hours with the movie of your choice, or send a decline if you don't want to participate. If you decline or I don't hear back, I will spin the wheel again and pick a new winner
  • If I elect to put the reaction on the channel, let me know if it's okay to use your name / credit you, or if you'd prefer to remain anonymous
  • Winners are excluded from the next 11 months of draws to make MotM even more fair and to ensure that every month in a year will have 12 different winners

What are the film conditions for Member of the Month?

As long as the film meets the above conditions, it can be given. So feel free to throw out a movie from any decade, any genre, a super popular film, or something obscure. Pick a movie that didn't win a past poll. Pick the worst movie you've ever seen. It's up to you!


Member of the Month ✦ June 2023

Patreon Post: https://patreon.com/posts/83981003



I should get my name on the wheel twice for being a member for over a year! Haha J/K congratulations Baal!