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I sat here for like 5 mins trying to think of a good title for this post other than just "Lil' Update" or whatever, but I'm lacking the creativity for that. So you get a boring title. Anyway, just wanted to keep you all in the loop of what's happening! You all know I like to do this a lot. Hopefully it's not annoying.

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This Week's Reactions:

I'm still not sure yet on exact dates, but Guardians Vol 2, No Country For Old Men, and The Batman will go on the channel this week.

And here on Patreon I'll be sharing the watchalong of the movie picked by our May Member of the Month winner. 🥳 EDIT: Along with more reactions of course, sorry I didn't want to make it seem like this was the ONLY watchalong coming.

I'll be real with y'all... editing has felt like a bit of a slog. I did a bit of it while I was sick, but ever since feeling better I've just been generally very unmotivated with it which has been frustrating as I expected to feel excited to get back into it. And to add the cherry on top, just this afternoon my editing program gave me a pretty severe function break that I have sent a ticket in for. There's a necessary copy/paste function that I use that isn't working properly and I've tried everything I can to get it back, but nadda. With this function broken, it adds a lot of extra time to the editing job. So it's a little discouraging. 🫠

Thanks as always for your patience and understanding. This month has been a bit of an unknown shitshow and I'm very eager for my version of normal to return ASAP.

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Reaction Video Transferring to kaiielle.com

This big project of mine was something that I was able to continue working on here and there while I was sick for the first half of the month, since it doesn't involve having to speak or look half decent. 😅 Don't get mad at me for not fully relaxing while I was sick! I was happy to plug away at this and it helped my brain not feel like I was falling behind on anything, you know?

⭐ All TV series reactions I've done are now accessible through the site!

As I was getting these moved, it made me want to re-watch some of these. 😅 Andor and The Clone Wars especially. I was also reminded that I still need to finish watching Dragon Age: Absolution.

⭐ Star Wars Movie Watchalongs:

The first watchalongs that I did were missing timers and/or blurred visuals, because I was a noob at reaction videos and didn't know I should have been doing that for y'all. These have ALL been re-edited, fixed, and re-uploaded now and I'm so sorry it took so long to fix them. If you're ever eager to go back and re-watch them (or if you've never seen them), you can expect the same experience that you've been used to.

⭐ What's Next:

I'll be working on getting all the movie watchalongs I've done up on the site and I'll provide another update once all of this is completed. I anticipate I'll be fully caught up by month-end as I have these videos uploading in the background while I'm doing other things and then I take an hour or so each day to get them on the site and the Patreon posts updated to reflect the new access.

Getting these reactions on the site has been a huge undertaking going on behind-the-scenes since March, but I am so happy with the results of it. 😊 It'll be very easy to see at a quick glance everything that I've watched and reacted to.

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Gaming Content

It's been a hot minute since I've done anything gaming related, even on my own time. I know a few of you are eager for my playthroughs to resume on my new YouTube channel. I promise it's coming soon. The PS5 is all set up and ready to go for recording and playing. I'll be sharing my kale plays videos here on Patreon for early access, as that'll be a benefit to all tiers. So stay tuned. And if you're not yet subbed to that channel, click here.

At the moment I am definitely prioritizing getting reactions back on track.

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That's about it for updates. I hope you all have had a fantastic weekend! Let me know what you got up to.

Wishing you all the BEST week ahead! (I just remembered tomorrow is a holiday here.)

✦ KL


Jon Johns

Hey! Work can be a slog, even a job you love. Give yourself a break, keep plugging away, we'll be here 😉


Keep up the awesome work Kaiielle! Getting over being sick takes a while. Everything always feels not normal. Especially when you feel sick for a long time like you were. But you'll start feeling like your old self again.


It is sad how much turning something into a job can suck all the fun out of something. Just try and keep perspective, yeah? The Sovereign is just kind of meh without knowing Adam Warlock's backstory. Perfectly understandable. Of course, they have to throw some eggs at the comic readers. Please try and keep Stan's appearance with the Watchers in mind. Make a sticky note or something. :)