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Hi everyone! 👋 I hope you're all having a great weekend so far. Our YouTube crew decided to pick 90s and Adventure in the polls on my Community tab:

So with that, I pulled up the ol' Google and my Suggestion Form responses and got to work to pick three movies for you to vote on!

I feel like this is a REALLY hard poll, to be honest. Maybe one of the hardest polls I've put up ever. Because I don't even know what I would pick from this if it were me.

Happy Voting! This poll will close a week today.

✦ KL



This was an easy choice for me 😊

Jason Chirevas

THE MUMMY will win, and that’s awesome, but I voted for Zorro, which I think is a bit better movie. Conversely, you could have thrown CANNONBALL RUN II and FRED: THE MOVIE up there against it and I still wouldn’t’ve voted for HOOK. Heh.


Zorro and mummy were a hard choice. I chose mummy just because it’s a current cultural thing and a very good movie.


I think with Brendan Fraser being heavily in the spotlight lately for such good reasons, it makes sense that it would win. I'm certainly not upset!


Just watched the whale last night and was talking with my friends about the mummy. Brendon Frazier is amazing in the whale btw

Perry Campbell

Thanks for poll. Movies not in my top 50. Voted on Mummy thinking it’s the best of the 3. You should have fun watching for the 1st time.

Stephanie Bushard

Hook is a great movie too but I’m glad The Mummy won 😊